1147 阅读 2022-05-10 10:37:12 上传
会议讲座: 会议
时 间: 2023.07.17~2023.07.21
形 式: 现场
人 数: 待定
征稿截止: 已结束
世界应用语言学大会(World Congress of Applied Linguistics)是国际应用语言学学会(International Association of Applied Linguistics,简称AILA)每3年召开一次的应用语言学学术盛会。国际应用语言学学会是各个国家和地区应用语言学协会的国际性联合总会,目前共有会员8000多人,在全世界范围内从事应用语言学研究、相关政策制定及应用。
The French edition of the AILA 2023 congress will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of AILA congress but also the 60th anniversary of AFLA. This will be the opportunity to emphasize that applied linguistics has been interested in real-world problems, from the outset. Reacting to pre- and post-COVID global issues, this congress will be organized around the theme "Diversity and social cohesion in a globalized world: towards more committed language sciences". The overall goal will be to reflect on how studies in applied linguistics and the researchers who produce them can participate in the construction of a globalized world in which respect for diversity as a basis for social cohesion requires individual and collective commitment. The event is hybrid with online only, in-person only and hybrid sessions.
Come and join us from July 17th to 21st, 2023.
Symposium format
Applicants should choose between the following 3 symposium formats:
Research Network (ReN) symposium: ReN members propose 30-minute individual papers.
Multimodal symposium: one or two coordinators first propose a theme. Researchers can then submit a proposal during the call for individual papers.
On-the-ground symposium: one or more researchers propose a symposium focused on the practical discovery of research methods, pedagogical practices, exploratory tools, etc.
Symposium mode
In stage 2, applicants should choose between the following 3 symposium modes:
Hybrid: All presentations must be pre-recorded and uploaded to the dedicated website before the conference. Slots will be allocated per half-day (5 papers except for on-the-ground symposia) in local French time. Rooms can be booked for coordinators on site for face-to-face exchanges.
100% online: All presentations must be pre-recorded and uploaded to the dedicated website before the conference. Slots will be allocated per half-day (5 papers) in local French time or in coordinators' local time. Exchanges will be online only. Speakers will be able to meet in person outside Lyon but synchronous exchanges will take place only on the dedicated platform.
100% in-person: ON-THE-GROUND SYMPOSIUM ONLY - coordinators will be required to produce a teaser video of their symposium before the conference.
Please note that no format changes can be made once the proposal has been accepted.
Symposium languages
Symposium coordinators can choose between the four conference languages: French, English, Spanish or German. Proposals can be submitted in one of these four languages. Coordinators can then determine the main language(s) for discussions in their symposium. A short abstract in English will also be required for French, Spanish or German symposium proposal submissions.
Coordinators will be asked to select the most appropriate theme for their symposium from the list below:
(APPLIED) LINGUISTIC THEORY: history, (usage based) approaches, CDST-complexity, theory, approaches and analysis, phonology, psychology
LANGUAGES IN INSTRUCTION: languages as Medium of Instruction, in Higher Education, in CLIL and languages for Internationalization
(MINORITY) LANGUAGES IN THE WORLD: Lingua Franca, Global language, Academic Language, dialects
LANGUAGE RESOURCES: multi-modality (including gesture), corpora, artifacts
LANGUAGE & TECHNOLOGY: media, tools, digitals humanities, Natural Language Processing (NLP)
LANGUAGE IN THE MIND/BRAIN: psycholinguistics, bilingualism, multilingualism, processing, cognitive advantage, individual factors or differences, cross-linguistic factors, disorders
LANGUAGE IN USE: communication, interaction, conversation analysis, discourse, corpus, media
LANGUAGE SKILLS: writing, fluency, chunks / formulaic language, speaking, feedback, testing
LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING: teacher education, curricula and education, classrooms, instruction, task-based learning, EAP, study abroad, (virtual) exchanges, materials and methods
LANGUAGES IN PROFESSIONS: translation & interpreting, transdisciplinarity, justice, medicine, food, forensics
LEARNER CHARACTERISTICS: autonomy, strategies, young, old, non-instructed, individual factors or differences, emotion
LINGUISTIC SOCIAL ISSUES: linguistic (in)justice, power, advocacy, attitude & bias, diversity-emancipation, discriminations, ethnicity and gender, ideology, language & social justice
LANGUAGES IN SOCIETY: bilingualism, multilingualism, plurilingualism, multilingual classroom, translanguaging, literacy & literacies, heritage language, home language, migrants, deaf, sign/gesture
RESEARCH: methods, approaches and (collaborative) practices
Projected call schedule
January 2022: Launch of call for symposia
March 8thMarch 27th 2022 (23:59 CET): Symposia call deadline
March 2022: Notification of acceptance of symposia
April 2022: Launch of the call for individual papers
June 2022: Individual paper call deadline
July 2022: Notification of acceptance of individual papers
Each symposium applicant is considered to be the symposium coordinator. Their role is to best organize the scientific orientation and internal logistics of this mini scientific event in accordance with the support and framework provided by conference organizers. They benefit from the reduced registration fee.
Key steps in the procedure:
Submit a symposium proposal.
When calling for individual submissions, it is advisable to advertise widely enough among specialists in the field to ensure that proposals are received. A symposium will only open once 10 proposals have been submitted.
Coordinators act as the scientific committee and select the individual proposals in accordance with the AILA assessment grid.
Coordinators ensure the conformity of the different papers selected.
Coordinators are responsible for moderating their symposium during the selected slot.