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The Oxford Handbook of the Computational Linguistics (2nd ed.)等2则书讯
①2022年团购专著The Oxford Handbook of the Computational Linguistics (2nd ed.)
②2021年前沿专著Becoming and Being a Tesol Teacher Educator: Research and Practice
封面 | 概况 | 书讯类型 |
【书名】:The Oxford Handbook of the Computational Linguistics (2nd ed.) 【作者】:Ruslan Mitkov (ed.) 【年份】:2022年 【简介】:【团购资源】牛津计算语言学手册第二版 Thirty-eight chapters, commissioned from experts all over the world, describe major concepts, methods, and applications in computational linguistics. Part I, Linguistic Fundamentals, provides an overview of the field suitable for senior undergraduates and non-specialists from other fields of linguistics and related disciplines. Part II describes current tasks, techniques, and tools in Natural Language Processing and aims to meet the needs of post-doctoral workers and others embarking on computational language research. Part III surveys current Applications.
The book is a state-of-the-art reference to one of the most active and productive fields in linguistics. It will be of interest and practical use to a wide range of linguists, as well as to researchers in such fields as informatics, artificial intelligence, language engineering, and cognitive science. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Becoming and Being a Tesol Teacher Educator: Research and Practice 【作者】:Rui Yuan; Icy Lee 【年份】:2021年 【简介】: This book offers insights into the lived experiences (e.g., teaching, research, and practicum supervision) of TESOL teacher educators in diverse institutional and socio-cultural contexts. Informed by a situated, ecological perspective, it draws on a variety of research approaches (e.g., qualitative, action research, and self-study), and sheds light on how language teacher educators engage in daily practice and social interactions. This edited collection examines how TESOL educators cope with potential contextual obstacles (e.g., the theory-practice divide), and how they seek their continuing professional development in complex, shifting higher education settings.
The book offers critical and thoughtful reflections of current practice and policies in language education and higher education, and provides practical implications on the preparation and development of frontline language teachers. | 此资源由网友提供 |