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Languages in Space and Time: Models and Methods from Complex Systems Theory等2本电子书
①剑桥大学出版社2020年重磅新著Languages in Space and Time: Models and Methods from Complex Systems Theory
②Birkhauser出版社2020年前沿新著Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer
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【书名】:Languages in Space and Time: Models and Methods from Complex Systems Theory 【作者】:Marco Patriarca et al. 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:剑桥大学出版社 【简介】:强烈推荐的一本关于语言与复杂系统的专著!真的把语言当成一个系统在研究,还使用到了语言动力学的说法,这本书真的可!这本所在的丛书系列叫做“社会物理学”。 This cross-disciplinary volume provides an overview of how complexity theory and the tools of statistical mechanics can be applied to linguistic problems to help reveal language groups, and to model the evolution and competition of languages in space and time. Illustrated with a series of case studies and worked examples, it presents an interdisciplinary framework to enable researchers from the mathematical, physical and social sciences to collaborate on linguistic problems. It demonstrates the complexity of linguistic databases and provides a mathematical toolkit for analyzing and extracting useful information from them - helping to conceptualize empirical facts better than a mere ethnographic view. Providing an important bridge to facilitate collaboration between linguists and mathematical modelers, this book will stimulate new ideas and avenues for research, and will form a valuable resource for advanced students and academics working across complex systems, sociolinguistics, and language dynamics. | 此书网上很难下载,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer 【作者】:Jens Lemanski (editor) 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】: Birkhauser出版社 【简介】: The chapters in this timely volume aim to answer the growing interest in Arthur Schopenhauers logic, mathematics, and philosophy of language by comprehensively exploring his work on mathematical evidence, logic diagrams, and problems of semantics. Thus, this work addresses the lack of research on these subjects in the context of Schopenhauers oeuvre by exposing their links to modern research areas, such as the proof without words movement, analytic philosophy and diagrammatic reasoning, demonstrating its continued relevance to current discourse on logic.
Beginning with Schopenhauers philosophy of language, the chapters examine the individual aspects of his semantics, semiotics, translation theory, language criticism, and communication theory. Additionally, Schopenhauers anticipation of modern contextualism is analyzed. The second section then addresses his logic, examining proof theory, metalogic, system of natural deduction, conversion theory, logical geometry, and the history of logic. Special focus is given to the role of the Euler diagrams used frequently in his lectures and their significance to broader context of his logic. In the final section, chapters discuss Schopenhauers philosophy of mathematics while synthesizing all topics from the previous sections, emphasizing the relationship between intuition and concept.
Aimed at a variety of academics, including researchers of Schopenhauer, philosophers, historians, logicians, mathematicians, and linguists, this title serves as a unique and vital resource for those interested in expanding their knowledge of Schopenhauers work as it relates to modern mathematical and logical study. | 免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载! |