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Researching Classroom Discourse: A student guide等2本电子书
①Routledge出版社2021年重磅新著Researching Classroom Discourse: A student guide
②De Gruyter出版社2015年前沿专著Borrowed Morphology
封面 | 概况 | 获取途经 |
【书名】:Researching Classroom Discourse: A student guide 【作者】:Christopher J. Jenks 【年份】:2021年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:关于教室话语研究的一部著作。 This practical guide to doing classroom discourse research provides a comprehensive overview of the research process. Bringing together both discourse analysis and classroom discourse research, this book helps readers to develop the analytic and rhetorical skills needed to conduct, and write about, the discourse of teaching and learning. Offering step-by-step guidance, each chapter is written so that readers can put the theoretical and methodological issues of classroom discourse analysis into practice while writing an academic paper. Chapters are organized around three stages of research: planning, analyzing, and understanding and reporting. Reflective questions and discourse examples are used throughout the book to assist readers. This book is essential reading for modules on classroom discourse or thesis writing and a key supplementary resource for research methods, discourse analysis, or language teaching and learning. | 此资源信息由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Borrowed Morphology 【作者】:Francesco Gardani, Peter Arkadiev, Nino Amiridze (Editor) 【年份】:2015年 【出版社】:De Gruyter出版社 【简介】:By integrating novel developments in both contact linguistics and morphological theory, this volume pursues the topic of borrowed morphology by recourse to sophisticated theoretical and methodological accounts. The authors address fundamental issues, such as the alleged universal dispreference for morphological borrowing and its effects on morphosyntactic complexity, and corroborate their analyses with strong cross-linguistic evidence. | 此资源由LingLab提供,为免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载!(注意,今天的电子书是EPUB格式,已随书上传EPUB阅读器,解压安装即可)