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Introduction to Corpus Linguistics等2本电子书
①Wiley出版社2020年重磅新著Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
②Springer出版社2019年重磅新著Legal Language and Business Communication
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【书名】:Introduction to Corpus Linguistics 【作者】:Sandrine Zufferey 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Wiley出版社 【简介】:关于各领域使用语料库(包括理论、应用语言学、多语语料库等)进行研究的一本综合性教材。该书属于认知科学系列,也希望越来越多的认知科学期刊可以接受语料库方法。 A Survey of Modern English covers a wide selection of aspects of the modern English language. Fully revised and updated, the major focus of the third edition lies in Standard American and British English individually and in comparison with each other. Over and beyond that, this volume treats other Englishes around the world, especially those of the southern hemisphere countries of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa as well as numerous varieties spoken in southern, eastern and western Africa, south and southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The main areas of investigation and interest include: -pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary; -multiple facets of English dialects and sociolects with an emphasis on gender and ethnicity; -questions of pragmatics as well as a longer look at English-related pidgin and creole varieties. This authoritative guide is a comprehensive, scholarly, and systematic review of modern English. In one volume, the book presents a description of both the linguistic structure of present-day English and its geographical, social, gender, and ethnic variations. This is complemented with an updated general bibliography and with exercises at the end of each chapter and their suggested solutions at the end of the volume, all intended to provide students and other interested readers with helpful resources. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Legal Language and Business Communication 【作者】:Anurag K. Agarwal 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:Springer出版社 【简介】:This book discusses the proper use of legal language in business communication. While communicating, a business leader has to bear in mind the relevant legal framework, and be sure to never violate it. However, legal language in itself can be so complex and difficult that it is often unclear as to what meaning can be ascribed to different words and phrases used in a particular context. Also, while it’s easy to say that there are certain limits to the law, those limits are not readily visible to the uninitiated; occasionally, even experts flounder. Exploring precisely these topics, the book will be of interest to students of business, law, and business communication; managers; lawyers; researchers; practitioners; and general readers alike. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!