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Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism等2本电子书
① Routledge出版社2020年重磅新书Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: A Research Synthesis and Methodological Guide
②John Benjamins出版社出版社2018年书目New Trends in Grammaticalization and Language Change
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【书名】:Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: A Research Synthesis and Methodological Guide 【作者】:Aline Godfroid 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:《二语习得与双言中的眼动》收录于“二语习得研究书系”中,是一本介绍眼动研究方法的实用手册,适合手把手学习。 Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism provides foundational knowledge and hands-on advice for designing, conducting, and analysing eye-tracking research in applied linguistics. Godfroid’s research synthesis and methodological guide introduces the reader to fundamental facts about eye movements, eye-tracking paradigms for language scientists, data analysis, and the practicalities of building a lab. This indispensable book will appeal to undergraduate students learning principles of experimental design, graduate students developing their theoretical and statistical repertoires, experienced scholars looking to expand their own research, and eye-tracking professionals. . | 此书很难下载,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:New Trends in Grammaticalization and Language Change 【年份】:2018年 【出版社】:John Benjamins出版社 【简介】:The chapters in this volume present a state of the art of grammaticalization research in the 2010s. They are concerned with the application of new models, such as constructionalization, the ongoing debate about the status and modelling of the development of discourse markers, and reveal a renewed interest in the typological application of grammaticalization and in the cognitive motivations for unidirectionality. The contributors consider data from a wide range of languages, including several that have not or marginally been looked at in terms of grammaticalization: Chinese, Dutch, (varieties of) English, French, German, Japanese, Maltese, Old Saxon, Spanish, and languages of the South Caucasian and Zhuang Tai-Kadai families. The chapters range from theoretical discussions to fine-grained analyses of new historical and comparative language data. This volume will be of interest to linguists studying morphosyntactic changes in a range of languages, and in particular to those interested in models for grammatical change.
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