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Relevant Acoustic Phonetics of L2 English Focus on Intelligibility等2则书讯
①Routledge出版社2021重磅新著Relevant Acoustic Phonetics of L2 English Focus on Intelligibility
②Springer出版社2019年前沿专著English Pronunciation in L2 Instruction: The Case of Secondary School Learners
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【书名】:Relevant Acoustic Phonetics of L2 English Focus on Intelligibility 【作者】:Ettien Koffi 【年份】:2021年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:英语二语学习者的声学语音研究 Intelligibility is the ultimate goal of human communication. However, measuring it objectively remained elusive until the 1940s when physicist Harvey Fletcher pioneered a psychoacoustic methodology for doing so. Another physicist, von Bekesy, demonstrated clinically that Fletcher’s theory of Critical Bands was anchored in anatomical and auditory reality. Fletcher’s and Bekesy’s approach to intelligibility has revolutionized contemporary understanding of the processes involved in encoding and decoding speech signals. Their insights are applied in this book to account for the intelligibility of the pronunciation of 67 non-native speakers from the following language backgrounds –10 Arabic, 10 Japanese, 10 Korean, 10 Mandarin, 11 Serbian and Croatian "the Slavic Group," 6 Somali, and 10 Spanish speakers who read the Speech Accent Archive elicitation paragraph. Their pronunciation is analyzed instrumentally and compared and contrasted with that of 10 native speakers of General American English (GAE) who read the same paragraph. The data-driven intelligibility analyses proposed in this book help answer the following questions:
The findings reported in this book are based on nearly 12,000 measured speech tokens produced by all the participants. This includes some 2,000 vowels, more than 500 stop consonants, over 3,000 fricatives, nearly 1,200 nasals, about 1,500 approximants, a over 1,200 syllables onsets, as many as 800 syllable codas, more than 1,600 measurement of F0/pitch, and duration measurements of no fewer than 539 disyllabic words. These measurements are in keeping with Baken and Orlikoff (2000:3) and in accordance with widely accepted Just Noticeable Difference thresholds, and relative functional load calculations provided by Catforda (1987). | 此书讯由“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:English Pronunciation in L2 Instruction: The Case of Secondary School Learners 【作者】:Anna Jarosz 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:Springer出版社 【简介】:This book provides an overview of pronunciation teaching and learning practices in secondary schools, providing insights into secondary school learners' needs, expectations and motivation regarding the importance of learning English and particularly English pronunciation. It presents a summary of the research on L2 pronunciation acquisition, teaching techniques and factors affecting the learning process as well as the results and conclusions of a longitudinal study conducted in a Polish secondary school. The study indicates that learners consider pronunciation a crucial component of English learning and a predictor of successful communication. Moreover, it shows that accuracy is highly valued by learners, and that systematic and regular pronunciation instruction, even if devoted mainly to segments, has the potential to contribute to the overall improvement in learners' communicative competence and their confidence as speakers and users of English. The book is based on the first-hand experience of a teacher-researcher. | 此资源由网友提供