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今日推出4本电子书资源:①【团购资源1】牛津大学出版社2016年重磅手册The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood;②【团购资源2】牛津大学出版社2016年重磅手册The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar;③【团购资源3】牛津大学出版社2016年重磅手册The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure,以上三本均为团购资源,每本5人开团(每人110元),欲获取请添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询!④Routledge出版社2019年新书Prominence and Locality in Grammar: The Syntax and Semantics of Wh-Questions and Reflexives,该书免费。


牛津手册The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood等4本电子书



①【团购资源1】牛津大学出版社2016年重磅手册The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood

【团购资源2】牛津大学出版社2016年重磅手册The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar

【团购资源3】牛津大学出版社2016年重磅手册The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure


④Routledge出版社2019年新书Prominence and Locality in Grammar: The Syntax and Semantics of Wh-Questions and Reflexives







【书名】:The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood

【作者】:Nuyts & Van Der Auwera (eds.)




This handbook offers an in depth and comprehensive state of the art survey of the linguistic domains of modality and mood. An international team of experts in the field examine the full range of methodological and theoretical approaches to the many facets of the phenomena involved. Following an opening section that provides an introduction and historical background to the topic, the volume is divided into five parts. Parts 1 and 2 present the basic linguistic facts about the systems of modality and mood in the languages of the world, covering the semantics and the expression of different subtypes of modality and mood respectively. The authors also examine the interaction of modality and mood, mutually and with other semantic categories such as aspect, time, negation, and evidentiality. In Part 3, authors discuss the features of the modality and mood systems in five typologically different language groups, while chapters in Part 4 deal with wider perspectives on modality and mood: diachrony, areality, first language acquisition, and sign language. Finally, Part 5 looks at how modality and mood are handled in different theoretical approaches: formal syntax, functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics and construction grammar, and formal semantics. 


【书名】:The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar

【作者】:Roberts (ed.)




This handbook provides a critical guide to the most central proposition in modern linguistics: the notion, generally known as Universal Grammar, that a universal set of structural principles underlies the grammatical diversity of the world's languages. Part I considers the implications of Universal Grammar for philosophy of mind and philosophy of language, and examines the history of the theory. Part II focuses on linguistic theory, looking at topics such as explanatory adequacy and how phonology and semantics fit into Universal Grammar. Parts III and IV look respectively at the insights derived from UG-inspired research on language acquisition, and at comparative syntax and language typology, while part V considers the evidence for Universal Grammar in phenomena such as creoles, language pathology, and sign language. The book will be a vital reference for linguists, philosophers, and cognitive scientists.

【书名】:The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure

【作者】:Féry & Ishihara (eds.)




This book provides linguists with a clear, critical, and comprehensive overview of theoretical and experimental work on information structure. Leading researchers survey the main theories of information structure in syntax, phonology, and semantics as well as perspectives from psycholinguistics and other relevant fields. Following the editors' introduction the book is divided into four parts. The first, on theories of and theoretical perspectives on information structure, includes chapters on topic, prosody, and implicature. Part 2 covers a range of current issues in the field, including focus, quantification, and sign languages, while Part 3 is concerned with experimental approaches to information structure, including processes involved in its acquisition and comprehension. The final part contains a series of linguistic case studies drawn from a wide variety of the world's language families. This volume will be the standard guide to current work in information structure and a major point of departure for future research.


【书名】:Prominence and Locality in Grammar: The Syntax and Semantics of Wh-Questions and Reflexives

【作者】:Jianhua Hu



【简介】:This book challenges the current consensus on the analysis of wh-questions and reflexives from the perspective of the syntax-semantics interface. An integrated approach incorporating analyses of the interaction between different levels of linguistic knowledge is proposed. It argues that the derivation and interpretation of wh-questions and reflexives are not purely syntactic in nature but are regulated by principles operating at the syntax-semantics interface. Two general principles underlying our knowledge of language and cognition are proposed in this work. One is the Principle of Locality, and the other is the Principle of Prominence. It shows that although wh-quantification and reflexivization belong to two different domains of study in generative grammar, their derivation and interpretation are basically constrained by the complex interaction between prominence and locality in grammar..


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