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Morphology–Semantics Mismatches and the Nature of Grammatical Features等2则书讯
①2021年最新专著Morphology–Semantics Mismatches and the Nature of Grammatical Features
②2020年前沿新著Comprehension Strategies in the Acquiring of a Second Language
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【书名】:Morphology–Semantics Mismatches and the Nature of Grammatical Features 【作者】:Peter W. Smith 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:形态、语义界面研究 Hybrid nouns have a morphological shape that doesn’t match their semantic interpretation. Such nouns pose clear and interesting questions for the nature of grammatical features. For instance, how does a single feature contribute distinct information values to different components of the grammar? Furthermore, what does this observation reveal about the syntax, often taken to mediate between the morphology and the semantics? This book studies hybrid nouns and argues that a single grammatical feature is comprised of two halves, a semantic half and a morphological half, that coexist in the syntax before being sent to the respective interfaces. Viewing features in this way allows us a new look at numerous types of hybrid nouns, such as Imposter constructions, nouns of collection, as well as nouns like ‘furniture’ that straddle the mass-count distinction. Moreover, the study of the agreement patterns of hybrid nouns shows that semantic features behave differently to morphological features under agreement, providing a novel insight into the nature of the mechanism that underlies morphosyntactic agreement. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Comprehension Strategies in the Acquiring of a Second Language 【作者】:Harris Winitz 【年份】:2020年 【简介】:This book provides a critical analysis and account of the development of the Comprehension Approach as a method for language learning. The author draws on interrelated sub-fields - including linguistic theory, child language acquisition, and educational technology - to examine how a comprehension-based strategy could have pedagogical potential for adult second language learning. While second language pedagogy has to date been dominated by production models, this book takes another look at the Comprehension Approach as a possible alternative, presenting results from both child first language and adult second language contexts. It will be of interest to psycholinguistics and applied linguistics scholars, particularly those with an interest in second language teaching and learning. | 此资源由网友提供