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The History of Late Modern Englishes等2则书讯
①2021年最新专著The History of Late Modern Englishes
②2021年最新专著Fusion of Critical Horizons in Chinese and Western Language, Poetics, Aesthetics
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【书名】:The History of Late Modern Englishes 【作者】:Keith Johnson 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:【团购】晚现代英语史 The History of Late Modern Englishes provides an accessible and student-friendly introduction to the history of the English language from the beginning of the eighteenth century up until the present day. Taking an activity-based approach, this text ensures that students learn by engaging with the fascinating evolution of this language rather than by simply reading about it. The History of Late Modern Englishes: • Covers the development of Englishes around the world, not only in the British Isles, but also in the United States, Canada, India, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Melanesia, as well as in other countries around the world where English is used as a lingua franca; • Accommodates the needs of both native and non-native speakers of English, with helpful features such as a glossary of key terms and questions to guide the reader through the book; • Includes activity sections and discussion points to help students engage with the text; • Is accompanied by e-resources which include further activities and additional coverage of points of interest in the book. Written by an experienced teacher and author, this book is an essential course textbook for any module on the history of English and the perfect accompaniment to the author’s own The History of Early English. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Fusion of Critical Horizons in Chinese and Western Language, Poetics, Aesthetics 【作者】:Ming Dong Gu 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:This book begins with a reflection on dichotomies in comparative studies of Chinese and Western literature and aesthetics. Critiquing an oppositional paradigm, Ming Dong Gu argues that despite linguistic and cultural differences, the two traditions share much common ground in critical theory, aesthetic thought, metaphysical conception, and reasoning. Focusing on issues of language, writing, and linguistics; metaphor, metonymy, and poetics; mimesis and representation; and lyricism, expressionism, creativity, and aesthetics, Gu demonstrates that though ways of conception and modes of expression may differ, the two traditions have cultivated similar aesthetic feelings and critical ideas capable of fusing critical and aesthetic horizons. With a two-way dialogue, this book covers a broad spectrum of critical discourses and uncovers fascinating connections among a wide range of thinkers, theorists, scholars, and aestheticians, thereby making a significant contribution to bridging the aesthetic divide and envisioning world theory and global aesthetics. | 此资源由网友提供