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Workers in the field of second language acquisition are now
in the enviable position of having available to them in a
readily accessible form a number of core texts which set out
the parameters and the perceived objectives of their field of
study. Journal articles and journals themselves abound, and
the subject itself increasingly finds a place, not only in
applied linguistics programs directed at language educators,
but also in courses concerned with linguistic and
psycholinguistic theory and even in other professional
programs targetting, for example, the communicatively
disordered and handicapped.
Given this availability, one might ask what new can be
contributed at this time, even by a volume as this most
comprehensive one by Diane Larsen-Freeman and Michael
Long, to the Applied Linguistics and Language Study series.
Their long-standing position and eminence as researchers in
the field would be one argument, but there are two others, the
one ineluctably connected to the other.