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Genders and Classifiers: A Cross-Linguistic Typology等2本电子书
①牛津大学出版社2019年重磅新著Genders and Classifiers: A Cross-Linguistic Typology
②Language Science Press2020年重磅新著Corpus linguistics. A guide to the methodology
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【书名】:Genders and Classifiers: A Cross-Linguistic Typology 【作者】:Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, Elena I. Mihas (eds.) 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:牛津大学出版社 【简介】:OUP类型学探索系列第9本关于名词分类系统(性/类)的一本最新著作。 This volume offers a comprehensive account of the typology of noun classification across the world's languages. Every language has some means of categorizing objects into humans, or animates, or by their shape, form, size, and function. The most widespread are linguistic genders - grammatical classes of nouns based on core semantic properties such as sex (female and male), animacy, humanness, and also shape and size. Classifiers of several types also serve to categorize entities. Numeral classifiers occur with number words, possessive classifiers appear in the expressions of possession, and verbal classifiers are used on a verb, categorizing its argument. These varied sorts of genders and classifiers can also occur together. This volume elaborates on the expression, usage, history, and meanings of noun categorization devices, exploring their various facets across the languages of South America and Asia, which are known for the diversity of their noun categorization. The volume begins with a typological introduction that outlines the types of noun categorization devices and their expression, scope, functions, and development, as well as sociocultural aspects of their use. The following nine chapters provide in-depth studies of genders and classifiers of different types in a range of South American and Asian languages and language families, including Arawak languages, Zamucoan, Hmong, and Japanese. | 此书网上很难下载,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Corpus linguistics. A guide to the methodology 【作者】:Stefanowitsch, Anatol 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Language Science Press 【简介】:Corpora are widely used in linguistics, but not always wisely. This book attempts to frame corpus linguistics systematically as a variant of the observational method. The first part introduces the reader to the general methodological discussions surrounding corpus data as well as the practice of doing corpus linguistics, including issues such as the scientific research cycle, research design, extraction of corpus data and statistical evaluation. The second part consists of a number of case studies from the main areas of corpus linguistics (lexical associations, morphology, grammar, text and metaphor), surveying the range of issues studied in corpus linguistics while at the same time showing how they fit into the methodology outlined in the first part. | 免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载! |