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【每日电子书】Semantics、Mathematical Linguistics等共3本
① Springer出版社2020年新书——Semantics (András Kornai著);
② Springer出版社2008年书目——Mathematical Linguistics (András Kornai著);
③ Springer出版社2018年新书——Boundaries Crossed, at the Interfaces of Morphosyntax, Phonology, Pragmatics and Semantics(Huba Bartos等著)。
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【书名】:Semantics 【作者】:András Kornai(匈牙利科学院计算机与自动化研究所) 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Springer施普林格出版社 【简介】:本书的读者群面向语言学家、计算机科学家/计算语言学家、哲学家和认知科学家,涵盖且不仅仅停留于传统形式语义学所探讨的真值条件语义学,还涉及到其他众多形式化的语言模型,是一本不可多得的计算语义学方面的好书。此外,本书的每页周围都有一些二维码连接到维基百科和各个网页,可供读者直接扫码,颇有新意。 | 这两本书目前很难下载到,对András Kornai这两本专著感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Mathematical Linguistics 【作者】:Robert Freidin(普林斯顿大学荣休教授) 【作者】:András Kornai(匈牙利科学院计算机与自动化研究所) 【年份】:2008年 【出版社】:Springer施普林格出版社 【简介】:本书与经典的Partee的《语言学中的数学方法》不同,除了句法和语义的形式化数学模型之外,还提供了对音系、形态、复杂性模拟、模式识别(分类问题)和语音/手写识别等主题的介绍,是语言学家通过结合语言学知识来学习相关数理知识的一本理想读物。 | ||
![]() | 【书名】:Boundaries Crossed, at the Interfaces of Morphosyntax, Phonology, Pragmatics and Semantics 【作者】:Huba Bartos, Marcel den Dikken, Zoltán Bánréti, Tamás Váradi 【年份】:2018年 【出版社】:Springer施普林格出版社 【简介】:This volume offers a selection of interface studies in generative linguistics, a valuable “one-stop shopping” opportunity for readers interested in the ways in which the various modules of linguistic analysis intersect and interact. The boundaries between the lexicon and morphophonology, between morphology and syntax, between morphosyntax and meaning, and between morphosyntax and phonology are all being crossed in this volume. Though its focus is on theoretical approaches, experimental studies are also included. The empirical focus of many of the contributions is on Hungarian, and several chapters respond to work published by István Kenesei, to whom the volume is dedicated.
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