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Third Factors in Language Variation and Change等2则书讯
①2022年最新专著Third Factors in Language Variation and Change
②2021年最新专著Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation: Theorizing the Third Wave
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【书名】:Third Factors in Language Variation and Change 【作者】:Elly van Gelderen 【年份】:2022年 【简介】:生成派语言演变研究学者van Gelderen最新著作,关于语言演变中第三因素的影响 In this pioneering study, a world-renowned generative syntactician explores the impact of phenomena known as 'third factors' on syntactic change. Generative syntax has in recent times incorporated third factors – factors not specific to the language faculty – into its framework, including minimal search, labelling, determinacy and economy. Van Gelderen's study applies these principles to language change, arguing that change is a cyclical process, and that third factor principles must combine with linguistic information to fully account for the cyclical development of 'optimal' language structures. Third Factor Principles also account for language variation around that-trace phenomena, CP-deletion, and the presence of expletives and Verb-second. By linking insights from recent theoretical advances in generative syntax to phenomena from language variation and change, this book provides a unique perspective, making it essential reading for academic researchers and students in syntactic theory and historical linguistics. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation: Theorizing the Third Wave 【作者】:Lauren Hall-Lew (editor), Emma Moore (editor), Robert J. Podesva (editor) 【年份】:2021年 【简介】: The 'third wave' of variation study, spearheaded by the sociolinguist Penelope Eckert, places its focus on social meaning, or the inferences that can be drawn about speakers based on how they talk. While social meaning has always been a concern of modern sociolinguistics, its aims and assumptions have not been explicitly spelled out until now. This pioneering book provides a comprehensive overview of the central tenets of variation study, examining several components of dialects, and considering language use in a wide variety of cultural and linguistic contexts. Each chapter, written by a leader in the field, posits a unique theoretical claim about social meaning and presents new empirical data to shed light on the topic at hand. The volume makes a case for why attending to social meaning is vital to the study of variation while also providing a foundation from which variationists can productively engage with social meaning. | 此资源由网友提供 |