【永久资源,期刊全文】World Englishes《世界英语》2020年第39卷第1期-共15篇论文
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——World Englishes《世界英语》2020年第39卷第1期-共15篇论文(内含特辑World Englishes and Digital Media《世界英语与数字媒体》的10篇论文),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以
World Englishes《世界英语》2020年第39卷第1期-共15篇论文
内含特辑World Englishes and Digital Media《世界英语与数字媒体》的10篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Special Issue | Lee | Digital communication, social media, and Englishes |
02 | Special Issue | Bhatia | Vlogging and the discursive co‐construction of ethnicity and beauty |
03 | Special Issue | Chik | Humorous interaction, language learning, and social media |
04 | Special Issue | Cutler | Metapragmatic comments and orthographic performances of a New York accent on YouTube |
05 | Special Issue | Dovchin | Translingual English, Facebook, and gay identities |
06 | Special Issue | Friedrich | When Englishes go digital |
07 | Special Issue | Lee | Googlish as a resource for networked multilingualism |
08 | Special Issue | Lee | Sports, Instagram, and conflict talk in Englishes |
09 | Special Issue | Spilioti | The weirding of English, trans‐scripting, and humour in digital communication |
10 | Special Issue | Strelluf | needs+PAST PARTICIPLE in regional Englishes on Twitter |
11 | Paper | Revis & Bernaisch | The pragmatic nativisation of pauses in Asian Englishes |
12 | Paper | Qin & Gao | The Chinese English dictionary: An online resource for Chinese English lexicography |
13 | Paper | Wang & Huang | English in the language ecology of a community of indigenous Derung people in Northwest Yunnan |
14 | Paper | Mirvahedi & Cavallaro | Siblings' play and language shift to English in a Malay‐English bilingual family in Singapore |
15 | Paper | Lee & Shanmuganathan | Reconceptualizing Aunty as an address term in urban multilingual Malaysia |
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