【限时资源,期刊全文】International Journal of Bilingualism《国际双语杂志》2020年第24卷第2期-共18篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——International Journal of Bilingualism《国际双语杂志》2020年第24卷第2期的18篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,
International Journal of Bilingualism《国际双语杂志》2020年第24卷第2期-共18篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Zembrzuski et al. | Bilingual children do not transfer stress patterns: Evidence from suprasegmental and segmental analysis of L1 and L2 speech of Polish–English child bilinguals |
02 | Article | Lipka | Syntactic awareness skills in English among children who speak Slavic or Chinese languages as a first language and English as a second language |
03 | Article | Huang & Rau | The first–second language influence on framing effects and loss aversion of balanced bilinguals |
04 | Article | Alqarni & Dewaele | A bilingual emotional advantage? An investigation into the effects of psychological factors in emotion perception in Arabic and in English of Arabic-English bilinguals and Arabic/English monolinguals |
05 | Article | Kaltsa et al. | Input and literacy effects in simultaneous and sequential bilinguals: The performance of Albanian–Greek-speaking children in sentence repetition |
06 | Article | Kern | Like in English and como, como que, and like in Spanish in the speech of Southern Arizona bilinguals |
07 | Article | Simonet & Amengual | Increased language co-activation leads to enhanced cross-linguistic phonetic convergence |
08 | Article | Gatt & Dodd | Preschoolers’ lexical skills in two majority languages: Is there evidence for the onset of sequential bilingualism? |
09 | Article | Pye et al. | Northern Pame-Spanish language acquisition in the context of incipient language loss |
10 | Article | Hermas | Genericity in third language English: Acquisition pattern and transfer in ultimate attainment |
11 | Article | Lloyd-Smith | Italian-German bilinguals: The effects of heritage language use on accent in early-acquired languages |
12 | Article | Iglesias & Castillejo | Phonetic interactions in the bilingual production of Galician and Spanish /e/ and /o/ |
13 | Article | Mishina-Mori | Cross-linguistic influence in the use of objects in Japanese/English simultaneous bilingual acquisition |
14 | Article | Buac & Kaushanskaya | Predictors of Theory of Mind performance in bilingual and monolingual children |
15 | Article | Nance | Bilingual language exposure and the peer group: Acquiring phonetics and phonology in Gaelic Medium Education |
16 | Article | Azar et al. | Turkish-Dutch bilinguals maintain language-specific reference tracking strategies in elicited narratives |
17 | Article | Lipski | Reconstructing the life-cycle of a mixed language: An exploration of Ecuadoran Media Lengua |
18 | Article | Gibson & Bernales | Polysyllabic shortening in Spanish-English bilingual children |
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