【限时资源,期刊全文】Language Problems and Language Planning《语言问题和语言规划》2019年论文集-共24篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Language and Politics《语言与政治杂志》最新一期、即2020年第19卷第4期的12篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载
Language Problems and Language Planning《语言问题和语言规划》2019年论文集-共24篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Grin | The role of LPLP in a changing landscape |
02 | Article | Graham & Eslami | Attitudes toward EMI in East Asia and the Gulf |
03 | Article | Delgado & Fernández | Hacia una ortografía para el chabacano zamboangueño |
04 | Article | de Gaux | Reviewing reform |
05 | Article | Jiménez-Salcedo | Los límites jurídicos de las políticas lingüísticas y la desterritorialidad del catalán |
06 | Review | MacDonald | Ng, P. C., & Boucher-Yip, E. F. (Eds.). (2017). Teacher agency and policy response in English language teaching |
07 | Review | Morton | Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe (Ed). (2016). Content and Language Integrated Learning: Language Policy and Pedagogical Practice |
01 | Article | Vaillancourt | Assessing Bill 101 after 40 years |
02 | Article | Castonguay | Quebec’s new language dynamic |
03 | Article | Paillé | Succès et faiblesses de l’intégration des immigrants par la scolarisation obligatoire en français au Québec |
04 | Article | Termote | L’utilisation du français dans la sphère publique |
05 | Article | Grenier | Quebec’s language policy and economic globalization |
06 | Article | Bourhis | Evaluating the impact of Bill 101 on the English-speaking communities of Quebec |
07 | Review | Soroka | Leigh Oakes and Yael Peled. (2018) Normative Language Policy: Ethics, Politics, Principles |
08 | Review | Fitzgerald | Rachelle Vessey. (2016). Language and Canadian Media: Representations, Ideologies, Policies |
01 | Article | Yan | A study of Macao tertiary students’ attitudes to issues in postcolonial Macao’s language policy and planning |
02 | Article | Torres-Oliva et al. | The legal rights of Aragonese-speaking schoolchildren |
03 | Article | Phillipson | Languages in public policy, and constraints in academia |
04 | Article | Mélitz | “Rejoinder” to Robert Phillipson, Languages in public policy, and constraints in academia |
05 | Article | Phillipson | A response to the rejoinder of Jacques Mélitz |
06 | Article | Garvía | Sotos Ochando’s language movement |
07 | Review | Zhang | Nkonko M. Kamwangamalu. (2016) Language Policy and Economics: The Language Question in Africa |
08 | Review | Pauwels | Corinne A. Seals and Sheena Shah (eds.) 2018. Heritage language policies around the world |
09 | Review | Gazzola | Stefaan van der Jeught. (2015) EU Language Law |
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