【期刊全文】Journal of Child Language(《儿童语言杂志》)2019年最受欢迎的10篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是国际权威期刊Journal of Child Language(《儿童语言杂志》)2019年最受欢迎的10篇论文全文,可在文末点击下载!
Journal of Child Language(《儿童语言杂志》)2019年最受欢迎的10篇论文
期刊主编:Johanne Paradis
刊名 | 卷号 | 期号 | 文章号 | 论文题目 |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 46 | Issue 5 | Top 01 | The ecology of prelinguistic vocal learning: parents simplify the structure of their speech in response to babbling |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 46 | Issue 3 | Top 02 | Do parents provide a helping hand to vocabulary development in bilingual children? |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 46 | Issue 2 | Top 03 | Understanding how time flies and what it means to be on cloud nine: English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners’ metaphor comprehension |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 46 | Issue 1 | Top 04 | The acquisition of English possessives by a bilingual child: Do input and usage frequency matter? |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 45 | Issue 6 | Top 05 | SES effects on the use of variation sets in child-directed speech |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 45 | Issue 6 | Top 06 | The benefit of simultaneously encountered exemplars and of exemplar variability to verb learning |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 45 | Issue 4 | Top 07 | Do children go for the nice guys? The influence of speaker benevolence and certainty on selective word learning |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 45 | Issue 5 | Top 08 | Infant-directed speech from seven to nineteen months has similar acoustic properties but different functions |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 45 | Issue 4 | Top 09 | Motherese, affect, and vocabulary development: dyadic communicative interactions in infants and toddlers |
Journal of Child Language | Vol. 45 | Issue 2 | Top 10 | The advantage of story-telling: children's interpretation of reported speech in narratives* |
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