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本期推送的是国际权威期刊(2018年影响因子:2.6)——Studies in Sencond Language Acquisition(《二语习得研究》)2019年第41卷全5期共51篇论文,目录可在正文中阅览,全文则可点击文末附件下载,但

Studies in Sencond Language Acquisition(《二语习得研究》)2019年第41卷全5期论文





Vol. 41Issue 1Article01observing pitch gestures favors the learning of spanish intonation by mandarin speakers
Vol. 41Issue 1Article02observing and producing pitch gestures facilitates the learning of mandarin chinese tones and words
Vol. 41Issue 1Article03advanced second language learners’ perception of lexical tone contrasts
Vol. 41Issue 1Article04learning direction matters: a study on l2 rhythm acquisition by dutch learners of spanish and spanish learners of dutch
Vol. 41Issue 1Article05dominance, proficiency, and spanish heritage speakers’ production of english and spanish vowels
Vol. 41Issue 1Article06influence of the native language on sensitivity to lexical stress: evidence from native arabic and hebrew speakers
Vol. 41Issue 1Article07the role of acoustic cues and listener proficiency in the perception of accent in nonnative sounds
Vol. 41Issue 1Article08aptitude, experience, and second language pronunciation proficiency development in classroom settings: a longitudinal study
Vol. 41Issue 1Article09does having good articulatory skills lead to more fluent speech in first and second languages?
Vol. 41Issue 2Article10terminology choice in generative acquisition research: the case of “incomplete acquisition” in heritage language grammars
Vol. 41Issue 2Article11terminology matters on theoretical grounds too!: coherent grammars cannot be incomplete
Vol. 41Issue 2Article12a commentary on terminology choice in generative acquisition research: the case of “incomplete grammars” in heritage language acquisition, by laura domínguez, glyn hicks, and roumyana slabakova
Vol. 41Issue 2Article13the social context contributes to the incomplete acquisition of aspects of heritage languages
Vol. 41Issue 2Article14the (in)stability of grammars
Vol. 41Issue 2Article15incomplete acquisition from a usage-based perspective: a response to domínguez, hicks, and slabakova
Vol. 41Issue 2Article16choice of words matters, but so does scientific accuracy: reply to peer commentaries
Vol. 41Issue 2Article17effects of massing and spacing on the learning of semantically related and unrelated words
Vol. 41Issue 2Article18cognitive aptitudes and l2 speaking proficiency: links between llama and hi-lab
Vol. 41Issue 2Article19rethinking l2 motivation research: the 2 × 2 model of l2 self-guides
Vol. 41Issue 2Article20second language anxiety and achievement: a meta-analysis
Vol. 41Issue 2Article21effects of external and internal attentional manipulations on second language grammar development: an eye-tracking study
Vol. 41Issue 2Article22social attitudes and speech ratings: effects of positive and negative bias on multiage listeners’ judgments of second language speech
Vol. 41Issue 2Article23processing instruction and the effects of input modality and voice familiarity on the acquisition of the french causative construction
Vol. 41Issue 2Article24effects of proficiency subskills on pragmatic development in l2 chinese study abroad
Vol. 41Issue 3Article25language reflection fostered by individual l2 writing tasks: developing a theoretically motivated and empirically based coding system
Vol. 41Issue 3Article26what can l2 writers’ pausing behavior tell us about their l2 writing processes?
Vol. 41Issue 3Article27mapping master’s students’ use of external sources in source-based writing in l1 and l2
Vol. 41Issue 3Article28combined deployable keystroke logging and eyetracking for investigating l2 writing fluency
Vol. 41Issue 3Article29exploring second language writers’ pausing and revision behaviors: a mixed-methods study
Vol. 41Issue 3Article30methodological advances in investigating l2 writing processes: challenges and perspectives
Vol. 41Issue 4Article31toward a dynamic view of second language comprehensibility
Vol. 41Issue 4Article32native and nonnative perception of western andalusian spanish /s/ aspiration in quiet and noise
Vol. 41Issue 4Article33the contribution of psychosocial and biographical variables to heritage language learners’ linguistic knowledge of spanish
Vol. 41Issue 4Article34absolute frequency effects in second language lexical acquisition
Vol. 41Issue 4Article35incidental vocabulary learning through listening to songs
Vol. 41Issue 4Article36effects of narrow reading and listening on l2 vocabulary learning: multiple dimensions
Vol. 41Issue 4Article37the role of input variability and learner age in second language vocabulary learning
Vol. 41Issue 4Article38the development of self-determination across the language course: trajectories of motivational change and the dynamic interplay of psychological needs, orientations, and engagement
Vol. 41Issue 4Article39native and nonnative processing of active and passive sentences: the effects of processing instruction on the allocation of visual attention
Vol. 41Issue 4Article40the acquisition of english definite noun phrases by mandarin chinese speakers
Vol. 41Issue 4Article41second and third language learners’ sensitivity to japanese pitch accent is additive: an information-based model of pitch perception
Vol. 41Issue 5Article42using lexical features to investigate second language lexical decision performance
Vol. 41Issue 5Article43linguistic alignment, learner characteristics, and the production of stranded prepositions in relative clauses: comparing ftf and scmc contexts
Vol. 41Issue 5Article44anaphora resolution in l2 english: an analysis of discourse complexity and cross-linguistic interference
Vol. 41Issue 5Article45practice is important but how about its quality?: contextualized practice in the classroom
Vol. 41Issue 5Article46revisiting the spanish elicited imitation task: a tool for assessing advanced language learners?
Vol. 41Issue 5Article47a meta-analysis of sensitivity to grammatical information during self-paced reading: towards a framework of reference for reading time effect sizes
Vol. 41Issue 5Article48observing the emergence of constructional knowledge: verb patterns in german and spanish learners of english at different proficiency levels
Vol. 41Issue 5Article49the role of language-analytic ability in children’s instructed second language learning
Vol. 41Issue 5Article50how do second language listeners perceive the comprehensibility of foreign-accented speech?: roles of first language profiles, second language proficiency, age, experience, familiarity, and metacognition
Vol. 41Issue 5Article51the occurrence and perception of listener visual cues during nonunderstanding episodes
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