






【限时资源,期刊全文】Language and Speech(《语言和言语》)2019年全4期34篇论文(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Language and Speech(《语言和言语》)2019年全4期的34篇论文,其中目录可以在正文中查看,全文可以于即日起3天内点击文末附件列表下载,资源若失效,请加小编微信zhangxiaoji

Language and Speech(《语言和言语》)2019年全4期34篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 62Issue 1Article 01A Survey of Phonological Mid Vowel Intuitions in Central Catalan
Vol. 62Issue 1Article 02The Effect of Clear Speech on Temporal Metrics of Rhythm in Spanish-Accented Speakers of English
Vol. 62Issue 1Article 03Effects of Exposure and Vowel Space Distribution on Phonetic Drift: Evidence from American English Learners of French
Vol. 62Issue 1Article 04Age-Related Changes in Temporal and Spectral Cue Weights in Speech
Vol. 62Issue 1Article 05Effects of Surprisal and Entropy on Vowel Duration in Japanese
Vol. 62Issue 1Article 06Regional dialect perception across the lifespan: Identification and discrimination
Vol. 62Issue 1Article 07Which Language R You Speaking? /r/ as a Language Marker in Tyrolean and Italian Bilinguals
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 08Developmental Steps in Metaphorical Language Abilities: The Influence of Age, Gender, Cognitive Flexibility, Information Processing Speed, and Analogical Reasoning
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 09Do Persian Native Speakers Prosodically Mark Wh-in-situ Questions?
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 10Inflectional Morphology in Fluent Aphasia: A Case Study in a Highly Inflected Language
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 11On the Role of Cognitive Abilities in Second Language Vowel Learning
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 12Investigating Perceptual Biases, Data Reliability, and Data Discovery in a Methodology for Collecting Speech Errors From Audio Recordings
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 13Stuttering Frequency, Speech Rate, Speech Naturalness, and Speech Effort During the Production of Voluntary Stuttering
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 14Acoustic Sources of Accent in Second Language Japanese Speech
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 15Acoustic Correlates of Focus Marking in Czech and Polish
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 16The Montclair Map Task: Balance, Efficacy, and Efficiency in Conversational Interaction
Vol. 62Issue 2Article 17Long-Distance Vowel-to-Vowel Coarticulation in Arabic: Influences of Intervening Consonant Pharyngealization and Length
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 18Auditory-orthographic integration at the onset of L2 speech acquisition
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 19Tonal Neutralization of Taiwanese Checked and Smooth Syllables: An Acoustic Study
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 20Delayed Phonological Encoding in Stuttering: Evidence from Eye Tracking
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 21The Perception and Production of Word-Initial Korean Stops by Native Speakers of Japanese
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 22Effects of Sound Change on the Weighting of Acoustic Cues to the Three-Way Laryngeal Stop Contrast in Korean: Diachronic and Dialectal Comparisons
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 23English Consonant Identification in Multi-Talker Babble: Effects of Chinese-Native Listeners’ English Experience
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 24Vocabulary as a Central Link between Phonological Working Memory and Narrative Competence: Evidence from Monolingual and Bilingual Four-Year-Olds from Different Socioeconomic Backgrounds
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 25A Corpus-Based Exploration of the Discourse Marker Well in Spoken Interlanguage
Vol. 62Issue 3Article 26Imitation in a Second Language Relies on Phonological Categories but Does Not Reflect the Productive Usage of Difficult Sound Contrasts
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 27The Perception of Mandarin Lexical Tones by Native Speakers of Burmese
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 28Emotion Words Modulate Early Conflict Processing in a Flanker Task: Differentiating Emotion-Label Words and Emotion-Laden Words in Second Language
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 29The Impact of Transitional Movements and Non-Manual Markings on the Disambiguation of Locally Ambiguous Argument Structures in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS)
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 30Perception of American–English Vowels by Early and Late Spanish–English Bilinguals
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 31Explaining Cross-Language Asymmetries in Prosodic Processing: The Cue-Driven Window Length Hypothesis
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 32Semantic Effects in Morphological Priming: The Case of Hebrew Stems
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 33When (not) to Look for Contrastive Alternatives: The Role of Pitch Accent Type and Additive Particles
Vol. 62Issue 4Article 34The Prosody of Rhetorical and Information-Seeking Questions in German
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Li 卜木 hong 春天的熊 张洁 Dumuma 唯昭 楚常林