【限时资源,期刊全文】Language Variation and Change(《语言变异和变化》)2018-2019共2卷5期论文集(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Language Variation and Change(《语言变异和变化》)2018-2019共2卷5期论文集,总共25篇。其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效
Language Variation and Change(《语言变异和变化》)2018-2019共2卷5期论文集(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文名 |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | The role of the Avant Garde in linguistic diffusion |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Dressing down up north: DRESS-lowering and /l/ allophony in a Scottish dialect |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | Discourse motivations for pronominal and zero objects across registers in Vera'a |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Structural explanations in syntactic variation: The evolution of English negative and polarity indefinites |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Select A long way from New York City: Socially stratified contact-induced phonological convergence in Ganluo Ersu (Sichuan, China) |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 06 | Variable stem-final fricative voicing in American English plurals: Different pa[ð ~ θ]s of change |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 07 | Stylistic variation among mobile speakers: Using old and new regional variables to construct complex place identity |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 08 | A sociophonetic account of onset /s/ weakening in Salvadoran Spanish: Instrumental and segmental analyses |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 09 | Taking it up a level: Copy-raising and cascaded tiers of morphosyntactic change |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 10 | Controlled and automatic perceptions of a sociolinguistic marker |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 11 | The New York City–New Orleans connection: Evidence from constraint ranking comparison |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 12 | Segregated vowels: Language variation and dialect features among Gothenburg youth |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 13 | Natural phonetic tendencies and social meaning: Exploring the allophonic raising split of price and mouth on the Isles of Scilly |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 14 | Incomplete neutralization in African American English: The case of final consonant voicing |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 15 | Mapping out particle placement in Englishes around the world: A study in comparative sociolinguistic analysis |
Vol. 31 | Issue 1 | Article 16 | Using the Tolerance Principle to predict phonological change |
Vol. 31 | Issue 1 | Article 17 | Ongoing change in post-independence São Tomé: The use of rhotics as a marker of national identity among young speakers of Santomean Portuguese |
Vol. 31 | Issue 1 | Article 18 | Peaks and arrowheads of vernacular reorganization |
Vol. 31 | Issue 1 | Article 19 | Variable past participles in Portuguese perfect constructions |
Vol. 31 | Issue 1 | Article 20 | Each p[ɚ]son does it th[εː] way: Rhoticity variation and the community grammar |
Vol. 31 | Issue 2 | Article 21 | Interspeaker covariation in Philadelphia vowel changes |
Vol. 31 | Issue 2 | Article 22 | The Role of Dialect Experience in Topic-Based Shifts in Speech Production |
Vol. 31 | Issue 2 | Article 23 | Actual and apparent change in Brazilian Portuguese wh-interrogatives |
Vol. 31 | Issue 2 | Article 24 | Compression in the California Vowel Shift: Tracking generational sound change in California's Central Valley |
Vol. 31 | Issue 2 | Article 25 | The noun phrase and the ‘Viking Hypothesis’ |
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