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本期推送的是SSCI高引刊物——Applied Linguistics(《应用语言学》)2019年论文集,即第40卷第1-6期的54篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内

Applied Linguistics(《应用语言学》)2019年论文集-共6期54篇论文(侵删)





Vol. 40Issue 1Article 01Advice Giving, Managing Interruptions and the Construction of ‘Teachable Moments’
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 02Using Native-Speaker Psycholinguistic Norms to Predict Lexical Proficiency and Development in Second-Language Production
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 03Transivitity Patterns Exhibited by Persons with Dementia in Conversation
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 04Points of Reference: Changing Patterns of Academic Citation
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 05A Longitudinal Study of Voice Onset Time Development in L2 Spanish Stops
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 06The Impact of Mother Tongue Instruction on the Development of Biliteracy: Evidence from Somali–Swedish Bilinguals
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 07‘Cracking a Strange Veiled Code’: Language Learning Experiences of North Americans in South Asia
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 08How Learning Occurs in an Extensive Reading Book Club: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 09Assessing Tasks: The Case of Interactional Difficulty
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 10Atta Gebril (ed.): Applied Linguistics in the Middle East and North Africa
Vol. 40Issue 1Article 11Hansun Zhang Waring: Theorizing Pedagogical Interaction: Insights From Conversation Analysis
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 12Pre-empting Understanding Problems in L1/L2 Conversations: Evidence of Effectiveness from Simulated Emergency Calls
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 13Reproductions of Chinese Transnationalism: Ambivalent Identities in Study Abroad
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 14Setting and Language Attitudes in a Creole Context
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 15‘The Elevation of Sensitivity over Truth’: Political Correctness and Related Phrases in the Time Magazine Corpus
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 16ELF Awareness in English Language Teaching: Principles and Processes
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 17‘What is Stoyr-Steruh Type?’: Knowledge Asymmetry, Intersubjectivity, and Learning Opportunities in Conversation-for-Learning 
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 18Reading Collocations in an L2: Do Collocation Processing Benefits Extend to Non-Adjacent Collocations?
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 19L2 Experience Mediates the Relation between Mainstream Acculturation Orientation and Self-Assessed L2 Competence among Migrants
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 20Metaphors of Climate Science in Three Genres: Research Articles, Educational Texts, and Secondary School Student Talk
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 21John Flowerdew and Tracey Costley (eds): Discipline-Specific Writing: Theory into Practice
Vol. 40Issue 2Article 22Sarah Benesch: Emotions and English Language Teaching: Exploring Teachers’ Emotion Labor
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 23‘Mental Workouts for Couch Potatoes’: Executive Function Variation among Spanish–English Bilingual Young Adults
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 24Tracking Microgenetic Changes in Authorial Voice Development from a Complexity Theory Perspective
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 25Is Vocabulary Knowledge Sufficient for Word-Meaning Inference? An Investigation of the Role of Morphological Awareness in Adult L2 Learners of Chinese
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 26Sensitivity to Language-based Rejection in Intercultural Communication: The Role of Language Mindsets and Implications for Migrants’ Cross-cultural Adaptation
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 27Task Complexity, Cognitive Load, and L1 Speech
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 28Research Trends in Applied Linguistics from 2005 to 2016: A Bibliometric Analysis and Its Implications
Vol. 40Issue 3Article 29Vijak K. Bhatia: Critical Genre Analysis: Investigating Interdiscursive Performance in Professional Practice
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 30Patterns, Constructions, and Local Grammar: A Case Study of ‘Evaluation’
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 31Connecting the Language Classroom and the Wild: Re-enactments of Language Use Experiences
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 32The Cognitive and Communicative Functions of Term Variation in Research Articles: A Comparative Study in Psychology and Geology
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 33Discipline, Level, Genre: Integrating Situational Perspectives in a New MD Analysis of University Student Writing
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 34Deceptive Identity Performance: Offender Moves and Multiple Identities in Online Child Abuse Conversations
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 35The Pivot Point between Problem Presentation and Advice in a Health Helpline Service
Vol. 40Issue 4Article 36Liying Cheng and Janna Fox: Assessment in the Language Classroom: Teachers Supporting Student Learning
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 37The Effects of Corpus Use on Second Language Vocabulary Learning: A Multilevel Meta-analysis 
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 38Directives in Professional Kitchens and Potential Learning Opportunities 
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 39Establishing Intellectually Impaired Victims’ Understanding about ‘Truth’ and ‘Lies’: Police Interview Guidance and Practice in Cases of Sexual Assault
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 40Processing ‘Gender-neutral’ Pronouns: A Self-paced Reading Study of Learners of English
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 41Is What You Put in What You Get Out? —Textbook-derived Lexical Bundle Processing in Beginner English Learners
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 42The Role of Low-level First Language Skills in Second Language Reading, Reading-While-Listening and Listening Performance: A Study of Young Dyslexic and Non-dyslexic Language Learners
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 43The Securitization of Language Education
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 44Arja Nurmi, Tanja Rütten, and Päivi Pahta (eds): Challenging the Myth of Monolingual Corpora
Vol. 40Issue 5Article 45Manel Lacorte (ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 46Constructing a Second Language Sociolinguistic Repertoire: A Sociocultural Usage-based Perspective
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 47What Counts in Second Language Oral Communication Ability? The Perspective of Linguistic Laypersons
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 48Making Applied Linguistics Applicable to Business Practice. Discourse Analysis as a Management Tool
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 49The Onto-Epistemologies of New Materialism: Implications for Applied Linguistics Pedagogies and Research
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 50The Role of Figurative Complexity in the Comprehension and Appreciation of Advertisements
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 51Reading and Deafness: Eye Tracking in Deaf Readers with Different Linguistic Background
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 52E. Friginal, J. J. Lee, B. Polat and A. Roberson: Exploring Spoken English Learner Language Using Corpora
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 53Angel M. Y. Lin: Language Across the Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Contexts: Theory and Practice
Vol. 40Issue 6Article 54Makku Flippula, Juhani Klemola, Anna Mauranen, and Svetlana Vetchinnikova (eds): Changing English — Global and Local Perspectives
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