






【限时资源,期刊全文】International Journal of Applied Linguistics(《国际应用语言学杂志》)2019年论文集(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI权威期刊——International Journal of Applied Linguistics(《国际应用语言学杂志》)2019年论文集,即第29卷第1-3期的27篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下

International Journal of Applied Linguistics(《国际应用语言学杂志》)2019年论文集-共3期27篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 29Issue 1Article 01The effect of L1 tonal status on the acquisition of L2 Mandarin tones
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 02Roller coaster: Distinctive prosodic cuing of turns preempting rejection resistance
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 03Measuring productive collocational knowledge of the most frequent words
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 04Beyond intelligibility: ‘Transintelligibility’ phenomena in English as a Lingua Franca interactions
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 05Gender and proficiency effects on metaphor use among Greek learners
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 06“We are not the language police”: Comparing multilingual EMI programmes in Europe and Asia
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 07“I never imagined” pronunciation as “such an interesting thing”: Student teacher perception of innovative practices
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 08From traditional to alternative feedback: What do L2 elementary students think?
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 09Language learning motivation and gender: The case of Poland
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 10WRITTEN CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK FOR L2 DEVELOPMENT. Bitchener, John Storch, Neomy, Paperback: $39.95, Hardback: $149.95. ISBN‐13: 978‐1783095032, ISBN‐10: 1783095032. 2016. Multilingual Matters, Bristol/Buffalo
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 11Language teacher psychology Edited by S. Mercer, A. Kostoulas. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 2018. 368 pages. Pb $149.95, ISBN 9781783099450
Vol. 29Issue 1Article 12Teaching Writing for Academic Purposes to Multilingual Students: Instructional Approaches. John Bitchener, Neomy Storch, Rosemary Wette. New York: Routledge. 2017. xiii + 220pp. ISBN 978‐1‐138‐28421‐0
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 13Variation in syntactic complexity: Introduction
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 14Measuring linguistic complexity in long‐term L2 speakers of English and L1 attriters of German
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 15Syntactic complexity across proficiency and languages: L2 and L1 writing in Dutch, Italian and Spanish
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 16On cross‐linguistic variation and measures of linguistic complexity in learner texts: Italian, French and English
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 17Finding variation: assessing the development of syntactic complexity in ESL Speech
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 18Proficiency‐related variation in syntactic complexity: A study of English L1 and L2 oral descriptive discourse
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 19Chinese as a Second Language Assessment , Zhang, Dongbo , Lin, Chin‐Hsi, Singapore: Springer. 2017. xxi + 293 pp. ISBN 978–981–10‐4087‐0
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 20Popular culture, voice and linguistic diversity: Young adults on‐ and offline , Dovchin, S. , Pennycook, A. , Sultana, S., Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 2018.
Vol. 29Issue 2Article 21Race and ethnicity in English language teaching: Korea in focus , Christopher Joseph Jenks, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, ( 2017). 183 pages, US$40, ISBN: 978–1–78309‐841‐5.
Vol. 29Issue 3Article 22Non‐nativeness as a dimension of inclusion: A multimodal representational analysis of EFL textbooks
Vol. 29Issue 3Article 23Inclusion and exclusion in foreign language education: A critical overview, with illustrations from studies of a German classroom for young secondary learners and of five Polish textbooks
Vol. 29Issue 3Article 24Language, sexuality and inclusive pedagogy
Vol. 29Issue 3Article 25Inclusion, exclusion, and racial identity in Singapore's language education system
Vol. 29Issue 3Article 26Learner Identity and Learner Beliefs in EFL Writing, Majchrzak, Olga. Cham: Springer. 2018. xx + 269 pp. ISBN 978‐3‐319‐69559‐4
Vol. 29Issue 3Article 27Second Language Literacy Practices and Language Learning Outside the Classroom , Inaba, Miho , Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Multilingual Matters. ( 2018). https://doi.org/10.21832/INABA2104

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