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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics(《临床语言学和语音学》) 2019论文集,即第33卷共12期的66篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics(《临床语言学和语音学》) 2019论文集共66篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 01Special Issue on Morphology-Introduction
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 02Where phonology meets morphology in the context of rapid language change and universal bilingualism: Irish initial mutations in child language
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 03Realisation of grammatical morphemes by children with phonological impairment
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 04Comorbid morphological disorder apparent in some children aged 4-5 years with childhood apraxia of speech: findings from standardised testing
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 05When morphological ability exceeds syntactic ability: A case study
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 06The impact of morphophonological patterns on verb production: evidence from acquired morphological impairment
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 07Morphophonology and compensation in Specific Language Impairment: Evidence from Standard Modern Greek and Cypriot Greek
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 08Case marking in German-speaking children with specific language impairment and with phonological impairment
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 09Interpretation of compound words by Greek-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder plus language impairment (ASD–LI)
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 10Effectiveness of intervention with visual templates targeting tense and plural agreement in copula and auxiliary structures in school-aged children with complex needs: a pilot study
Vol. 33Issue 1-2Article 11Are there prototypical associations between time frames and aspectual values? Evidence from Greek aphasia and healthy ageing
Vol. 33Issue 3Article 12Why is measuring communication difficult? A critical review of current speech pathology concepts and measures
Vol. 33Issue 3Article 13Adolescents’ production of complex syntax in spoken and written expository and persuasive genres
Vol. 33Issue 3Article 14Segmental and metrical complexity during non-word repetition in adults who stutter
Vol. 33Issue 3Article 15Influence of gender and age on the Dysphonia Severity Index: A normative study in a Shanghainese population
Vol. 33Issue 4Article 16Modelling category goodness judgments in children with residual sound errors
Vol. 33Issue 4Article 17Can listeners hear the difference between children with normal hearing and children with a hearing impairment?
Vol. 33Issue 4Article 18Tongue shapes for rhotics in school-age children with and without residual speech errors
Vol. 33Issue 4Article 19The production of wh-questions in Italian-speaking children with SLI
Vol. 33Issue 4Article 20A guide to designing a naming test for an under-researched bilingual population: adapting the Boston Naming Test to Tongan
Vol. 33Issue 5Article 21Clustering of disfluencies in typical, fast and cluttered speech
Vol. 33Issue 5Article 22The emergence of multiword utterances in children with Down syndrome
Vol. 33Issue 5Article 23The use of demonstratives and personal pronouns in fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder
Vol. 33Issue 5Article 24An articulatory-based disyllabic and trisyllabic Non-Word Repetition test: reliability and validity in Italian 3- to 7-year-old children
Vol. 33Issue 5Article 25Effect of dialect on phonological analysis
Vol. 33Issue 5Article 26Word-level prosodic measures and the differential diagnosis of apraxia of speech
Vol. 33Issue 6Article 27Prepositions and pronouns in connected discourse of individuals with aphasia
Vol. 33Issue 6Article 28A shift of treatment approach in speech language pathology services for children with speech sound disorders – a single case study of an intense intervention based on non-linear phonology and motor-learning principles
Vol. 33Issue 6Article 29Neuronavigated theta burst stimulation for chronic aphasia: two exploratory case studies
Vol. 33Issue 6Article 30Frequency of mazes in an experimental narrative task in monolingual English and Spanish-English bilingual children
Vol. 33Issue 6Article 31Effects of speaking rate, loudness, and clarity modifications on kinematic endpoint variability
Vol. 33Issue 7Article 32Effects of regional dialect on oral-nasal balance and nasality perception
Vol. 33Issue 7Article 33A phonological assessment test for child Greek
Vol. 33Issue 7Article 34The effect of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) and frequency altered feedback (FAF) on speech production: cochlear implanted versus normal hearing individuals
Vol. 33Issue 7Article 35Exploring the Relationship between Native Language Skills and Foreign Language Learning in Children with Developmental Language Disorders
Vol. 33Issue 7Article 36Ungrammatical utterances and disfluent speech as causes of comprehension problems in interactions of preadolescents with high functioning autism
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 37Motor Speech Disorders in Idiopathic Speech Delay and in Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders using the Speech Disorders Classification System: Introduction
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 38Estimates of the prevalence of motor speech disorders in children with idiopathic speech delay
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 39Estimates of the prevalence of speech and motor speech disorders in persons with complex neurodevelopmental disorders
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 40Initial studies of the phenotype and persistence of speech motor delay (SMD)
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 41A frequent acoustic sign of speech motor delay (SMD)
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 42Estimates of the prevalence of speech and motor speech disorders in adolescents with Down syndrome
Vol. 33Issue 8Article 43Speech and motor speech disorders and intelligibility in adolescents with Down syndrome
Vol. 33Issue 9Article 44Intra-word consistency and accuracy in Finnish children aged 3–6 years
Vol. 33Issue 9Article 45Tongue-palate contact for nasal versus oral stops in speakers with repaired cleft palate
Vol. 33Issue 9Article 46Early lexicon and language skills at 42 months
Vol. 33Issue 9Article 47Comprehending conjunctive entailment of disjunction among individuals with Asperger syndrome
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 48Quantifying phonological knowledge in children with phonological disorder
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 49Grain size units of Chinese handwriting: development and disorder
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 50Variation in language mixing in multilingual aphasia
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 51Name agreement and naming latencies for typed picture naming in aging adults
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 52Modified semantic feature analysis for anomia: a single case study
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 53Assessment of intelligibility in dysarthria: development of a Maltese word and phrase list
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 54Promoting speech intelligibility through phonologically dense targets
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 55Measuring intelligibility in signed languages
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 56Code-switching in multilinguals with dementia: patterns across speech contexts
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 57Representations of grapho-motor patterns unique to Chinese character writing: evidence from a patient with mirror writing
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 58Parents’ contingent responses in communication with 10-month-old children in a clinical group with typical or late babbling
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 59Rating the intelligibility of dysarthic speech amongst people with Parkinson’s Disease: a comparison of trained and untrained listeners
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 60The effect of speech training experiences on speechreading skills of Chinese children with hearing impairment
Vol. 33Issue 10&11Article 61The use of evaluative expressions in the narratives of adolescents with a history of SLI
Vol. 33Issue 12Article 62An interactional perspective on sound prolongation in multilingual encounters in residential care
Vol. 33Issue 12Article 63Validity and reliability of the Intelligibility in Context Scale: European Portuguese version
Vol. 33Issue 12Article 64Normative nasalance scores in the production of words and syllables for Brazilian Portuguese speakers
Vol. 33Issue 12Article 65Whole-word measures and the speech production of typically developing Dutch children
Vol. 33Issue 12Article 66Standardization of the Prosody in Use Battery (PUB): a speech prosody perception test in Danish
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Li 卜木 彭华 橄榄树 郭兴荣 SARAH YU 金英姬 赵浩 王一 Crazy