【限时资源,期刊全文】Language and Cognition《语言与认知》2019年论文集共26篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——Language and Cognition《语言与认知》2019年论文集,即第11卷共4期的26篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天
Language and Cognition《语言与认知》2019论文集共26篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 11 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | Unacceptable grammars? an eye-tracking study of English negative concord |
Vol. 11 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Metaphorical framing in political discourse through words vs. concepts: a meta-analysis |
Vol. 11 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | Being explicit about the implicit: inference generating techniques in visual narrative |
Vol. 11 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Metonymies are more literal than metaphors: evidence from ratings of German idioms |
Vol. 11 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Language as category: using prototype theory to create reference points for the study of multilingual data |
Vol. 11 | Issue 1 | Article 06 | Dalila Ayoun, Agnès Celle, and Laure Lansari (Eds.), Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018. Pp. 366. ISBN 978-90-272-0096-9 (Hb), 978-90-272-6390-2 (E-book) |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 07 | A role for onomatopoeia in early language: evidence from phonological development |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 08 | The iconicity toolbox: empirical approaches to measuring iconicity |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 09 | The perceived mapping between form and meaning in American Sign Language depends on linguistic knowledge and task: evidence from iconicity and transparency judgments |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 10 | Do sound symbolism effects for written words relate to individual phonemes or to phoneme features? |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 11 | Effects of animacy and linguistic construction on the interpretation of spatial descriptions in English and Spanish |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 12 | Are stories just as transporting when not in your native tongue? |
Vol. 11 | Issue 2 | Article 13 | Moving yet being still: exploring source domain reversal and force in explanations of enlightenment |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 14 | Inflection of nouns for grammatical number in spoken narratives by people with aphasia: how glass slippers challenge the rule-based approach |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 15 | Comparative alternation in y-adjectives: insights from self-paced reading |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 16 | Varieties of abstract concepts and their multiple dimensions |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 17 | Stepping back to look ahead: neuter encapsulation and referent extension in counter-argumentative and causal relations in Spanish |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 18 | Enhanced linguistic prosodic skills in musically trained individuals with Williams syndrome |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 19 | Interfering ACE on comprehending embodied meaning in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences |
Vol. 11 | Issue 3 | Article 20 | Investigating satirical discourse processing and comprehension: the role of cognitive, demographic, and pragmatic features |
Vol. 11 | Issue 4 | Article 21 | Cognitive restructuring in the bilingual mind: motion event construal in early Cantonese–English bilinguals |
Vol. 11 | Issue 4 | Article 22 | Vowel duration in English adjectives in attributive and predicative constructions |
Vol. 11 | Issue 4 | Article 23 | Searching for specific sentence meaning in context: the conceptual relation between participants |
Vol. 11 | Issue 4 | Article 24 | Clarity under cognitive constraint: Can a simple directive encourage busy speakers to avoid ambiguity? |
Vol. 11 | Issue 4 | Article 25 | Adapt retrieval rules and inhibit already-existing world knowledge: adjustment of world knowledge’s activation level in auditory sentence comprehension |
Vol. 11 | Issue 4 | Article 26 | Farzad Sharifian, Cultural Linguistics: cultural conceptualizations and language, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2017. Pp. xvii + 171. ISBN 9789027204110 (Hb), 9789027204127 (Pb), 9789027264992 (E-book) |
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