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本期推送的是SSCI收录的权威期刊——Language and Cognition《语言与认知》2019年论文集,即第11卷共4期的26篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天

Language and Cognition《语言与认知》2019论文集共26篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 11Issue 1Article 01Unacceptable grammars? an eye-tracking study of English negative concord
Vol. 11Issue 1Article 02Metaphorical framing in political discourse through words vs. concepts: a meta-analysis
Vol. 11Issue 1Article 03Being explicit about the implicit: inference generating techniques in visual narrative
Vol. 11Issue 1Article 04Metonymies are more literal than metaphors: evidence from ratings of German idioms
Vol. 11Issue 1Article 05Language as category: using prototype theory to create reference points for the study of multilingual data
Vol. 11Issue 1Article 06Dalila Ayoun, Agnès Celle, and Laure Lansari (Eds.), Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018. Pp. 366. ISBN 978-90-272-0096-9 (Hb), 978-90-272-6390-2 (E-book)
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 07A role for onomatopoeia in early language: evidence from phonological development
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 08The iconicity toolbox: empirical approaches to measuring iconicity
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 09The perceived mapping between form and meaning in American Sign Language depends on linguistic knowledge and task: evidence from iconicity and transparency judgments
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 10Do sound symbolism effects for written words relate to individual phonemes or to phoneme features?
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 11Effects of animacy and linguistic construction on the interpretation of spatial descriptions in English and Spanish
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 12Are stories just as transporting when not in your native tongue?
Vol. 11Issue 2Article 13Moving yet being still: exploring source domain reversal and force in explanations of enlightenment
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 14Inflection of nouns for grammatical number in spoken narratives by people with aphasia: how glass slippers challenge the rule-based approach
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 15Comparative alternation in y-adjectives: insights from self-paced reading
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 16Varieties of abstract concepts and their multiple dimensions
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 17Stepping back to look ahead: neuter encapsulation and referent extension in counter-argumentative and causal relations in Spanish
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 18Enhanced linguistic prosodic skills in musically trained individuals with Williams syndrome
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 19Interfering ACE on comprehending embodied meaning in action-related Chinese counterfactual sentences
Vol. 11Issue 3Article 20Investigating satirical discourse processing and comprehension: the role of cognitive, demographic, and pragmatic features
Vol. 11Issue 4Article 21Cognitive restructuring in the bilingual mind: motion event construal in early Cantonese–English bilinguals
Vol. 11Issue 4Article 22Vowel duration in English adjectives in attributive and predicative constructions
Vol. 11Issue 4Article 23Searching for specific sentence meaning in context: the conceptual relation between participants
Vol. 11Issue 4Article 24Clarity under cognitive constraint: Can a simple directive encourage busy speakers to avoid ambiguity?
Vol. 11Issue 4Article 25Adapt retrieval rules and inhibit already-existing world knowledge: adjustment of world knowledge’s activation level in auditory sentence comprehension
Vol. 11Issue 4Article 26Farzad Sharifian, Cultural Linguistics: cultural conceptualizations and language, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2017. Pp. xvii + 171. ISBN 9789027204110 (Hb), 9789027204127 (Pb), 9789027264992 (E-book)
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