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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Memory and Language《记忆和语言杂志》2019年论文集——即第104卷-109卷共61篇论文(本期资源有两个附件!),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列

Journal of Memory and Language《记忆和语言杂志》2019年论文集-共61篇论文(侵删)





Vol. 104Article 01Social and configural effects on the cognitive dynamics of perspective-taking
Vol. 104Article 02Individual differences in working memory capacity and long-term memory: The influence of intensity of attention to items at encoding as measured by pupil dilation
Vol. 104Article 03Exploring the intrinsic-extrinsic distinction in prospective metamemory
Vol. 104Article 04Information packaging in speech shapes information packaging in gesture: The role of speech planning units in the coordination of speech-gesture production
Vol. 104Article 05Learning from failure: Errorful generation improves memory for items, not associations
Vol. 104Article 06Exploring the shape of signal-detection distributions in individual recognition ROC data
Vol. 104Article 07Making sense of sequential lineups: An experimental and theoretical analysis of position effects
Vol. 105Article 08Revisiting the attentional demands of rehearsal in working-memory tasks
Vol. 105Article 09Working memory training involves learning new skills
Vol. 105Article 10Temporal aspects of self-monitoring for speech errors
Vol. 105Article 11Subjecthood and linear order in linguistic encoding: Evidence from the real-time production of wh-questions in English and Mandarin Chinese
Vol. 105Article 12On the encapsulation of bilingual language control
Vol. 105Article 13Scales and scalarity: Processing scalar inferences
Vol. 105Article 14Metaphor comprehension: An individual-differences approach
Vol. 105Article 15Distance-dependent memory for pictures and words
Vol. 105Article 16Mapping non-native pitch contours to meaning: Perceptual and experiential factors
Vol. 105Article 17Why is free recall practice more effective than recognition practice for enhancing memory? Evaluating the relational processing hypothesis
Vol. 106Article 18Implicit versus explicit mechanisms of vocabulary learning and consolidation
Vol. 106Article 19List-method directed forgetting after prolonged retention interval: Further challenges to contemporary accounts
Vol. 106Article 20Forget me not: Encoding processes in value-directed remembering
Vol. 106Article 21It depends: Optionality in the production of filler-gap dependencies
Vol. 106Article 22The immediate benefits and long-term consequences of briefly presented masked primes on episodic recollection
Vol. 106Article 23Distinguishing reality from fantasy in adults with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from eye movements and reading
Vol. 106Article 24Are the effects of divided attention on memory encoding processes due to the disruption of deep-level elaborative processes? Evidence from cued- and free-recall tasks
Vol. 106Article 25Task-unrelated thoughts and forgetting in working memory
Vol. 106Article 26Reversal shift in phonotactic learning during language production: Evidence for incremental learning
Vol. 106Article 27Distinctions between primary and secondary scalar implicatures
Vol. 106Article 28Resource allocation in phonological working memory: Same or different principles from vision?
Vol. 106Article 29Counting ‘uhm’s: How tracking the distribution of native and non-native disfluencies influences online language comprehension
Vol. 107Article 30The role of prior knowledge in incremental associative learning: An empirical and computational approach
Vol. 107Article 31Value bias of verbal memory
Vol. 107Article 32Language control and lexical access in diglossic speech production: Evidence from variety switching in speakers of Swiss German
Vol. 107Article 33The effects of arousal and attention on emotional false memory formation
Vol. 107Article 34How attributes and cues made accessible through monitoring affect self-regulated learning in older and younger adults
Vol. 107Article 35Rebels without a clause: Processing reflexives in fronted wh-predicates
Vol. 107Article 36Metacognitive expectancy effects in source monitoring: Beliefs, in-the-moment experiences, or both?
Vol. 107Article 37Voices in the mental lexicon: Words carry indexical information that can affect access to their meaning
Vol. 107Article 38Seeing events vs. entities: The processing advantage of Pseudo Relatives over Relative Clauses
Vol. 107Article 39I don’t remember vs. I don’t know: Phenomenological states associated with retrieval failures
Vol. 107Article 40Language-general and language-specific phenomena in the acquisition of inflectional noun morphology: A cross-linguistic elicited-production study of Polish, Finnish and Estonian
Vol. 107Article 41Individual differences in subphonemic sensitivity and phonological skills
Vol. 107Article 42Syntactic entrainment: The repetition of syntactic structures in event descriptions
Vol. 108Article 43A computational model of reading across development: Effects of literacy onset on language processing
Vol. 108Article 44Modulation of the word frequency effect in recognition memory after an unrelated lexical decision task
Vol. 108Article 45Polarity and attitude effects in the continued-influence paradigm
Vol. 108Article 46The benefits of testing: Individual differences based on student factors
Vol. 108Article 47Spatial narrative context modulates semantic (but not visual) competition during discourse processing
Vol. 108Article 48An investigation into the lexical boost with nonhead nouns
Vol. 108Article 49Super-overdistribution
Vol. 108Article 50A matter of priorities: High working memory enables (slightly) superior value-directed remembering
Vol. 108Article 51The glottal stop between segmental and suprasegmental processing: The case of Maltese
Vol. 108Article 52Linear forgetting
Vol. 108Article 53Repeat after us: Syntactic alignment is not partner-specific
Vol. 109Article 54Asymmetric accommodation during interaction leads to the regularisation of linguistic variants
Vol. 109Article 55How many words do we read per minute? A review and meta-analysis of reading rate
Vol. 109Article 56Linking repetition priming, recognition, and source memory: A single-system signal-detection account
Vol. 109Article 57Wait for it…performance anticipation reduces recognition memory
Vol. 109Article 58The domain specificity of working memory is a matter of ability
Vol. 109Article 59Temporal isolation effects in immediate recall
Vol. 109Article 60Communication increases category structure and alignment only when combined with cultural transmission
Vol. 109Article 61Cumulative effects of syntactic experience in a between- and a within-language context: Evidence for implicit learning
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丁丁妈妈 王晓慧 Tony Wang 逗你玩儿? 天霖 ? SARAH YU hong Dumuma 金英姬 苏珊