【限时资源,期刊全文】Language Policy《语言政策》2019年论文集-共38篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Policy《语言政策》2019年论文集,即第18卷1-4期共38篇论文(其中的第1期是有关中国语言政策的特辑,共10篇论文),目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件
Language Policy《语言政策》2019年论文集-共38篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 卷号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | Multilingualism and policy making in Greater China: ideological and implementational spaces |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Putonghua as “admission ticket” to linguistic market in minority regions in China |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | Structures of feeling in language policy: the case of Tibetan in China |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Exploring the language policy and planning/second language acquisition interface: ecological insights from an Uyghur youth in China |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Construction of immigrant mothers’ language experiences in Taiwan: Mothering in one’s second language is a ‘choice’? |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 06 | Publishing in and about English: challenges and opportunities of Chinese multilingual scholars’ language practices in academic publishing |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 07 | Moving between language frontiers: the challenges of the medium of instruction policy for Chinese as a second language |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 08 | Li Yuming (2015): Language Planning in China |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 09 | Jeffrey Gil: Soft Power and the Global Promotion of Chinese Language Learning: The Confucius Institute Project |
Vol. 18 | Issue 1 | Article 10 | David Li: Multilingual Hong Kong: Languages, Literacies and Identities |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 11 | Language ideologies of institutional language policy: exploring variability by language policy register |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 12 | Family language policy in English as a foreign language: a case study from China to Canada |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 13 | Language policies in education in Qatar between 2003 and 2012: from local to global then back to local |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 14 | State recognition for ‘contested languages’: a comparative study of Sardinian and Asturian, 1992–2010 |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 15 | Different states, same practices: visual construction of language policy on banknotes in the territory of present-day Transcarpathia |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 16 | “Je suis circonflexe”: grassroots prescriptivism and orthographic reform |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 17 | Douglas A. Kibbee: Language and the Law: Linguistic Inequality in America |
Vol. 18 | Issue 2 | Article 18 | Ernest Andrews (ed.): Language Planning in the Post-communist Era: The Struggles for Language Control in the New Order in Eastern Europe, Eurasia and China |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 19 | A modified and enriched theory of language policy (and management) |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 20 | Named into being? Language questions and the politics of Scots in the 2011 census in Scotland |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 21 | Societal support for the educational provisions of Finnish in the Swedish school system in theory and practice |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 22 | Linguistic entrepreneurship as affective regime: organizations, audit culture, and second/foreign language education policy |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 23 | Speaking with a forked tongue about multilingualism in the language policy of a South African university |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 24 | A decade after institutionalization: educators’ perspectives of structured English immersion |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 25 | Elisabeth Barakos and Johann W. Unger (eds.): Discursive Approaches to Language Policy |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 26 | Monica Heller and Bonnie McElhinny: Language, Capitalism, Colonialism: Toward a Critical History |
Vol. 18 | Issue 3 | Article 27 | Cassie Smith-Christmas: Family Language Policy: Maintaining an Endangered Language in the Home |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 28 | Language policy and ‘new speakers’: an introduction to the thematic issue |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 29 | ‘New speakers’ and language policy research: thematic and theoretical contributions to the field |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 30 | New speaker parents as grassroots policy makers in contemporary Galicia: ideologies, management and practices |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 31 | Contesting sub-state integration policies: migrant new speakers as stakeholders in language regimes |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 32 | New speakers of new and old languages: an investigation into the gap between language practices and language policy |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 33 | Resistance and adaptation to newspeakerness in educational institutions: two tales from Estonia |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 34 | Language policies and linguistic competence: new speakers in the Norwegian construction industry |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 35 | Creative ambiguity in the service of language policy and new speakers |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 36 | Nancy H. Hornberger (ed): Honoring Richard Ruiz and his Work on Language Planning and Bilingual Education |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 37 | Florian Coulmas: An Introduction to Multilingualism: Language in a Changing World |
Vol. 18 | Issue 4 | Article 38 | Cassie Smith-Christmas, Noel P. Ó Murchadha, Michael Hornsby, Máiréad Moriarty (eds.): New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices |
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