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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——International Journal of Lexicography《国际词典学杂志》2019年论文集,即第32卷1-4期共26篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起

International Journal of Lexicography《国际词典学杂志》2019年论文集-共26篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 32Issue 1Article 01Lexicography and Theory: Clearing the Ground
Vol. 32Issue 1Article 02Structuring Polysemy in English Learners’ Dictionaries: A Prototype Theory-Based Model 
Vol. 32Issue 1Article 03On the Colonial Element in Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary 
Vol. 32Issue 1Article 04The Supplement to the English Dialect Dictionary: Its Structure and Value as Part of EDD Online
Vol. 32Issue 1Article 05Latent Classes of Smartphone Dictionary Users Among Chinese EFL Learners: A Mixed-Method Inquiry into Motivation for Mobile Assisted Language Learning 
Vol. 32Issue 1Article 06The Image of the Monolingual Dictionary Across Europe. Results of the European Survey of Dictionary use and Culture 
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 07Natural Language Processing and Automatic Knowledge Extraction for Lexicography 
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 08Identification and automatic extraction of good dictionary examples: the case(s) of GDEX 
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 09Multiword Expressions: Between Lexicography and NLP 
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 10Distributional modelling for semantic shift detection 
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 11What's New on the Internetz? Extraction and Lexical Categorisation of Collocations in Computer-Mediated Slovene
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 12Croatian Network Lexicon within the Syntactic and Semantic Framework and LLOD Cloud 
Vol. 32Issue 2Article 13Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch. Begun by Hans Schulz 
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 14The way to analyse ‘way’: A case study in word-specific local grammar
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 15Visual Networks As a Means of Representing Collocational Information in Electronic Dictionaries
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 16Sense Equivalence in plWordNet to Princeton WordNet Mapping
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 17Valency and English learners’ thesauri 
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 18Towards a Discourse Approach to Critical Lexicography
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 19Lindsay Rose Russell. 2018. Women and Dictionary Making: Gender, Genre, and English Language Lexicography
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 20Development and Validation of the Strategy Inventory for Electronic Dictionary Use (S.I.E.D.U.)
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 21The Effect of Types of Dictionary Presentation on the Retention of Metaphorical Collocations: Involvement Load Hypothesis vs. Cognitive Load Theory
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 22Homogeneous or Heterogeneous? Insights into Signposts in Learners’ Dictionaries 
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 23Problems in Online Dictionary Use for Advanced Slovenian Learners of English 
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 24Testing the Use of a Collocation Retrieval Tool Without Prior Training by Learners of Spanish 
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 25An Authentic Pan-Hispanic Language Policy? Spain as the Point of Reference in the Spanish Royal Academy’s Diccionario de la lengua espaÑola
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 26Félix Rodríguez González. 2017. Gran diccionario de anglicismos 
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