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本期推送的是SCIE期刊——Voice and Speech Review《嗓音和言语评论》2019年论文集,即第13卷1-3期共40篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效

Voice and Speech Review《嗓音和言语评论》2019年论文集-共40篇论文(侵删)



Vol. 13Issue 1Article 01The Emergence of a Profession: The History of Voice Pedagogy
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 02Theatre-Voice Pedagogy within the Royal Shakespeare Company: A Historical Perspective
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 03A Historical View of the Pedagogy of Public Speaking
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 04Historical Landmarks in Singing Voice Pedagogy
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 05Make the Door Open: Groundbreaking African American Teachers of Singing
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 06A Historian’s Journey with Sylvia Olden Lee and Camilla Williams, African American Opera Pioneers
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 07Singing Vocal Pedagogy in the Nineteenth Century Neapolitan School: The Work of Francesco Florimo
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 08The History of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA)
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 09The Rationale and History of Vocology
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 10Remembering Cicely Berry
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 11Embodied Performance as Applied Research, Art and Pedagogy
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 12The Authentic Performer: Wearing a Mask and the Effect on Health
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 13So You Want to Sing CCM (Contemporary Commercial Music): A Guide for Performers
Vol. 13Issue 1Article 14Care of the Professional Voice: A Guide to Voice Management for Singers, Actors and Professional Voice Users
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 15Voice Teacher Certification and Research: Relationships and Trends
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 16Toward Intervocality: Linklater, the Body, and Contemporary Feminist Theory
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 17Fitzmaurice Voicework Pilot Study with fMRI
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 18Multilingual Theatre Voice Training in South Africa: Our Translingual Attempt Employing Lessac Kinesensics
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 19Many Doors: The Histories and Philosophies of Roy Hart Voice Work and Estill Voice Training
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 20Walking the Talk: Teachers as Practitioners of Fitzmaurice Voicework
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 21Reforming Voice Training in China: An Intercultural Approach
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 22Baring the Bones: Making the Shift from a Muscular to a Skeletal Paradigm in Voice Training
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 23Vocal Traditions: The Roy Hart Tradition
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 24Actor for Life: How to Have an Amazing Career Without All the Drama
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 25Identity and Dialect Performance: A Study of Communities and Dialects
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 26Communicative Competence, Classroom Interaction and Educational Equity: The Selected Works of Courtney B. Cazden
Vol. 13Issue 2Article 27The Need for Words: Voice and the Text, 2nd Edition
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 28“Doing Research”: Understanding the Different Types of Peer-Reviewed Articles
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 29Breath-Body-Self: Reflections on Performance-Based Approaches to Breath through a Women’s Theatre Project in South Africa
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 30De-Colonizing Listening: Toward an Equitable Approach to Speech Training for the Actor
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 31An Integrative, Changing Practice: The Importance of Collaboration among Voice Professionals
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 32Survey of University Acting Majors regarding the Most Useful Elements of Singing Training
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 33Shaping Words: From Speech to Song, Linguistic Principles and Rhythmic Expressivity in Choral Performance
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 34Gender, Neuroscience, and Voice Training: Teaching and Learning Tips
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 35Vocal Traditions: Estill Voice Training®
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 36David Smukler: My Journey to Now
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 37Training Actor’s Voices: Towards an Intercultural/Interdisciplinary Approach
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 38Complete Vocal Fitness: A Singer’s Guide to Physical Training, Anatomy, and Biomechanics
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 39Performing Shakespeare Unrehearsed: A Practical Guide to Acting and Producing Spontaneous Shakespeare
Vol. 13Issue 3Article 40The Sarah Siddons Audio Files: Romanticism and the Lost Voice

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