【限时资源,期刊全文】Gender and Language《性别和语言》2019年论文集-共29篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Gender and Language《性别和语言》2019年论文集,共29篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效后可联系
Gender and Language《性别和语言》2019年论文集-共29篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article01 | Postfeminism as a critical tool for gender and language study |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article02 | ‘The lines are blurred’: same-sex relationships and the local practice of sponsorship in Cambodia |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article03 | New Women identity constructed in language learning narratives in early-twentieth-century China |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article04 | ‘Gendering’ the text through implicit citations of gendered discourses: the construction of gender and teacher talk around children’s fiction |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article05 | Les Hommen: the language of reactionary masculinity |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article06 | ‘Straight-ish’: agency, constraints, and the linguistic negotiation of identity and desire in online personal advertisements among men seeking men |
Vol. 13 | No. 1 | Article07 | The Persistence of Global Masculinism: Discourse, Gender and Neo-Colonial Re-Articulations of Violence, Lucy Nicholas and Christine Agius |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article08 | Constituting and responding to domestic and sexual violence |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article09 | Sexual abuse in proceedings of gender-based violence in the Brazilian judicial system |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article10 | Covering rape: how the media determine how we understand sexualised violence |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article11 | ‘The Nirbhaya who lived’: conflicting discourses and shifting ideologies in Femina’s linguistic representations of rape victims and their perpetrators |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article12 | Exceptionalising intersectionality: a corpus study of implied readership in guidance for survivors of domestic abuse |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article13 | ‘Well, I saw the picture’: semiotic ideologies and the unsettling of normative conceptions of female sexuality in the Steubenville rape trial |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article14 | Disclosing violence in calls for help |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article15 | Gender, Discourse and Ideology in Italianby Federica Formato |
Vol. 13 | No. 2 | Article16 | Equinox Publishing Ltd - 415 The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX United Kingdom |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article17 | Contesting the terms of consent: how university students (dis)align with institutional policy on sexual consent |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article18 | Domestic work = language work? Language and gender ideologies in the marketing of multilingual domestic workers in London |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article19 | Gendered and genderless constructions of religious identity in a Charismatic community of practice |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article20 | Media representations of ‘leftover women’ in China: a corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article21 | ‘I went to debutante school’: using Southern femininity as a resource to negotiate authority in a Texan workplace interaction |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article22 | Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University: Feminist Flights, Fights and Failures edited by Yvette Taylor and Kinneret Lahad (2018) |
Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Article23 | Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality edited by Tommaso M. Milani (2018) |
Vol. 13 | No. 4 | Article24 | Signing off |
Vol. 13 | No. 4 | Article25 | Gendered politics of enmity: language ideologies and social polarisation in Brazil |
Vol. 13 | No. 4 | Article26 | ‘Bitch I’m back, by popular demand’: agency and structure in a study abroad setting |
Vol. 13 | No. 4 | Article27 | ‘What are you doing here, I thought you had a kid now?’ The stigmatisation of working mothers in academia – a critical self-reflective essay on gender, motherhood and the neoliberal academy |
Vol. 13 | No. 4 | Article28 | Discourses of Ageing and Gender: The Impact of Public and Private Voices on the Identity of Ageing Women by Clare Anderson |
Vol. 13 | No. 4 | Article29 | Women through Anti-proverbs by Anna T. Litovkina |
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