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本期推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Gender and Language《性别和语言》2019年论文集,共29篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效后可联系

Gender and Language《性别和语言》2019年论文集-共29篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 13No. 1Article01Postfeminism as a critical tool for gender and language study
Vol. 13No. 1Article02‘The lines are blurred’: same-sex relationships and the local practice of sponsorship in Cambodia
Vol. 13No. 1Article03New Women identity constructed in language learning narratives in early-twentieth-century China
Vol. 13No. 1Article04‘Gendering’ the text through implicit citations of gendered discourses: the construction of gender and teacher talk around children’s fiction
Vol. 13No. 1Article05Les Hommen: the language of reactionary masculinity
Vol. 13No. 1Article06‘Straight-ish’: agency, constraints, and the linguistic negotiation of identity and desire in online personal advertisements among men seeking men
Vol. 13No. 1Article07The Persistence of Global Masculinism: Discourse, Gender and Neo-Colonial Re-Articulations of Violence, Lucy Nicholas and Christine Agius
Vol. 13No. 2Article08Constituting and responding to domestic and sexual violence
Vol. 13No. 2Article09Sexual abuse in proceedings of gender-based violence in the Brazilian judicial system
Vol. 13No. 2Article10Covering rape: how the media determine how we understand sexualised violence
Vol. 13No. 2Article11‘The Nirbhaya who lived’: conflicting discourses and shifting ideologies in Femina’s linguistic representations of rape victims and their perpetrators
Vol. 13No. 2Article12Exceptionalising intersectionality: a corpus study of implied readership in guidance for survivors of domestic abuse
Vol. 13No. 2Article13‘Well, I saw the picture’: semiotic ideologies and the unsettling of normative conceptions of female sexuality in the Steubenville rape trial
Vol. 13No. 2Article14Disclosing violence in calls for help
Vol. 13No. 2Article15Gender, Discourse and Ideology in Italianby Federica Formato
Vol. 13No. 2Article16Equinox Publishing Ltd - 415 The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX United Kingdom
Vol. 13No. 3Article17Contesting the terms of consent: how university students (dis)align with institutional policy on sexual consent
Vol. 13No. 3Article18Domestic work = language work? Language and gender ideologies in the marketing of multilingual domestic workers in London
Vol. 13No. 3Article19Gendered and genderless constructions of religious identity in a Charismatic community of practice
Vol. 13No. 3Article20Media representations of ‘leftover women’ in China: a corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis
Vol. 13No. 3Article21‘I went to debutante school’: using Southern femininity as a resource to negotiate authority in a Texan workplace interaction
Vol. 13No. 3Article22Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University: Feminist Flights, Fights and Failures edited by Yvette Taylor and Kinneret Lahad (2018)
Vol. 13No. 3Article23Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality edited by Tommaso M. Milani (2018)
Vol. 13No. 4Article24Signing off
Vol. 13No. 4Article25Gendered politics of enmity: language ideologies and social polarisation in Brazil
Vol. 13No. 4Article26‘Bitch I’m back, by popular demand’: agency and structure in a study abroad setting
Vol. 13No. 4Article27‘What are you doing here, I thought you had a kid now?’ The stigmatisation of working mothers in academia – a critical self-reflective essay on gender, motherhood and the neoliberal academy
Vol. 13No. 4Article28Discourses of Ageing and Gender: The Impact of Public and Private Voices on the Identity of Ageing Women by Clare Anderson
Vol. 13No. 4Article29Women through Anti-proverbs by Anna T. Litovkina
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卜木 lgy 天霖 世雄 福师 Hazel Dumuma 金英姬 刘金鑫 Lucas 吴琪