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本期推送的是SSCI权威期刊——ELT Journal 《英语语言教学杂志》2019年论文集,共有65篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效后可

ELT Journal 《英语语言教学杂志》2019年论文集-共65篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 73Issue 1Article 01Do teachers care about research? The research–pedagogy dialogue
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 02Investigating reflection in written assignments on CELTA courses
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 03Using Shakespeare to teach English in the digital age
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 04Saying it ‘just right’: teaching for pragmatic success in ELT
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 05How dictogloss can facilitate collocation learning in ELT
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 06Shared, sustained flow: triggering motivation with collaborative projects
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 07EFL teachers’ perceptions of two reflection approaches
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 08Expatriate ELT teachers in Korea: participation and sense of belonging
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 09Automated writing evaluation
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 10How English depresses school achievement in Africa
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 11Feature Films in English Language Teaching
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 12Extramural English in Teaching and Learning: From Theory and Research to Practice
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 13Creativity and English Language Teaching: From Inspiration to Implementation
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 14Language Regulation in English as a Lingua Franca: Focus on Academic Spoken Discourse
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 15New Insights into Language Anxiety: Theory, Research and Educational Implications
Vol. 73Issue 1Article 16Investigating NEST Schemes around the World: Supporting NEST/LET Collaborative Practices
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 17What does language assessment literacy mean to teachers?
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 18Teaching lecture notetaking with authentic materials
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 19EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices about pronunciation teaching
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 20The use of teacher code-switching for very young EFL learners
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 21Teaching practice in UK ELT Master’s programmes
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 22Investigating a collaborative approach to peer feedback
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 23Young learners’ engagement with multimodal texts
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 24The use of humour in the off-task spaces of the language classroom
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 25Critical perspectives on the IELTS test
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 26Restoring perspective on the IELTS test
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 27A Response to Anthony Green
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 28Inclusion
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 29Against teaching collocations
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 30Teacher Involvement in High-Stakes Language Testing
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 31Teacher Involvement in High-Stakes Language Testing
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 32A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 33Social Interaction and English Language Teacher Identity 
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 34Research on Reflective Practice in TESOL
Vol. 73Issue 2Article 35Reflections on Task-Based Language Teaching
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 36The dual personality of ‘topic’ in the IELTS Speaking Test
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 37Some key terms in ELT and why we need to disambiguate them
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 38Graded reader comprehension questions and item discrimination analysis 
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 39Board games for teaching English prosody to advanced EFL learners
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 40Strategy instruction for successful language tandems
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 41Japanese student writers’ perspectives on anonymous peer review
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 42Learning EAP at university: perceptions of high-achieving first-year ESL undergraduates
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 43Through the eyes of young EFL learners: learning with student teachers
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 44Augmented reality
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 45The IELTS test in a global free market: Clash of the Titans!
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 46Recent books on language materials development and analysis
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 47Lexical Grammar: Activities for Teaching Chunks and Exploring Patterns_Teaching Grammar: From Rules to Reasons. Practical Ideas and Advice for Working with Grammar in the Classroom
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 48Emotions in Second Language Teaching. Theory, Research and Teacher Education
Vol. 73Issue 3Article 49The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 50Effective questioning in CLIL classrooms: empowering thinking
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 51A new model of literary competences and the revised CEFR descriptors
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 52Motivating teens to speak English through group work in Storyline
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 53Professional development: life or death after pre-service training?
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 54The effectiveness of a professional development course: teachers’ perceptions
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 55English as an international language beyond the ELT classroom
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 56Supporting the development of primary in-service teacher educators
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 57We need to talk about coursebooks
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 58Coursebooks: Is there more than meets the eye?
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 59A response to Hughes
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 60Precarity
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 61Business English materials
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 62Teaching English as a Lingua Franca: The Journey from EFL to ELF
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 63Using Literature in English Language Education: Challenging Reading for 8–18 Year Olds
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 64How Vocabulary is Learned
Vol. 73Issue 4Article 65Teaching and Developing Reading Skills
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