【限时资源,期刊全文】Corpus Pragmatics《语料库语用学》2019年论文集-共20篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是知名期刊——Corpus Pragmatics《语料库语用学》2019年论文集,共20篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效后可联系小
Corpus Pragmatics《语料库语用学》2019年论文集-共20篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | A Corpus-Based Study of the Concept of ‘Luxury’ Using Web-Crawled Corpora, enTenTen 2013 and ukWaC |
Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | To Use or Not to Use the Shorter Forms: A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Apologetic Expressions “Sorry and I’m sorry” in American Spoken English Discourse |
Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | How Long Does it Take to Say ‘Well’? Evidence from the Audio BNC |
Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Compliment Responses by College Male and Female Filipino Second Language Learners of English |
Vol. 3 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Review of Discourse Markers and (Dis)fluency: Forms and Functions Across Language and Registers |
Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | Article 06 | “Believe My Word Dear Father that You Can’t Pick Up Money Here as Quick as the People at Home Thinks It”: Exploring Migration Experiences in Irish Emigrants’ Letters |
Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | Article 07 | Word Order, Heaviness, and Animacy |
Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | Article 08 | The Use of the English Progressive Form in Discourse: An Analysis of a Corpus of Interview Data |
Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | Article 09 | The Systematic Adaptation of Violence Contexts in the ISIS Discourse: A Contrastive Corpus-Based Study |
Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | Article 10 | Current Issues in Intercultural Pragmatics |
Vol. 3 | Issue 3 | Article 11 | Gender and Discipline: Intensifier Variation in Academic Lectures |
Vol. 3 | Issue 3 | Article 12 | A Reanalysis of the Uses of Can and Could: A Corpus-Based Approach |
Vol. 3 | Issue 3 | Article 13 | Frequency and Stylistic Variability of Discourse Markers in Nigerian English |
Vol. 3 | Issue 3 | Article 14 | Hans Lindquist and Magnus Levin: Corpus Linguistics and the Description of English |
Vol. 3 | Issue 3 | Article 15 | Strubel-Burgdorf, S.: Compliments and Positive Assessments: Sequential Organization in Multi-party Conversations |
Vol. 3 | Issue 4 | Article 16 | Subordinating Conjunctions as Discourse Markers in Lithuanian |
Vol. 3 | Issue 4 | Article 17 | Functional Variation of Discourse Particles in Lithuanian: A Look at Clause Peripheries |
Vol. 3 | Issue 4 | Article 18 | A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Emotives |
Vol. 3 | Issue 4 | Article 19 | Andreas H. Jucker, Klaus P. Schneider and Wolfram Bublitz (Eds.): Methods in Pragmatics |
Vol. 3 | Issue 4 | Article 20 | Graham Ranger: Discourse Markers: An Enunciative Approach |
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