【限时资源,期刊全文】Language & History《语言与历史》2019年第62卷全3期论文集-共18篇(侵删)
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本篇推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Language & History《语言与历史》2019年论文集,即第62卷全3期的18篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,
Language & History《语言与历史》2019年第62卷全3期论文集-共18篇(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 62 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | A historiographical approach to Paul Perny’s grammar of the Chinese language |
Vol. 62 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | The history of the Poqomchi’ language description |
Vol. 62 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | An Italian Grammarian between Paris and London: tradition, competition and methods of pedagogic transmission in the works of Vincenzo Peretti (1795–1803) |
Vol. 62 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Interpreting in Nazi concentration camps |
Vol. 62 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Invisibilising Austrian German: on the effect of linguistic prescriptions and educational reforms on writing practices in 18th-century Austria |
Vol. 62 | Issue 1 | Article 06 | REBECCA POSNER (17 August 1929–19 July 2018) |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 07 | Bi/Multilingualism and the history of language learning and teaching |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 08 | Teaching ‘correct’ Latin in late antique Rome |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 09 | Manuel Nájera’s De Lingua Othomitorum Dissertatio: decolonising the foundations of a modern account of Hñähñu language |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 10 | Bilingual English teaching in colonial India: the case of John Murdoch’s work in Madras Presidency, 1855–1875 |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 11 | The roots of bilingual education in China: the educational practices of Fujian Naval College in the late Qing period, 1866-1911 |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 12 | Pre-reform professionals: multilingual Northern German language teachers (ca. 1850-1875) |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 13 | Education through the study of English: Yoshisaburô Okakura as a conservative reformer |
Vol. 62 | Issue 2 | Article 14 | ‘Where a lapse into English is invariably accepted’: the use of L1 in language classrooms in England during the audio-visual period of the 1970s, viewed from a middle school perspective |
Vol. 62 | Issue 3 | Article 15 | Filip Vesdin and the comparison of Sanskrit with Iranian and Germanic languages |
Vol. 62 | Issue 3 | Article 16 | Reconstructed forms in the Roman writers on language |
Vol. 62 | Issue 3 | Article 17 | Primary school modern language teaching in England 1964-2014: the legacy of the Burstall Report |
Vol. 62 | Issue 3 | Article 18 | Munich works: German perspectives on the history of language learning and teaching |
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