【期刊全文,限时资源】TESOL Journal《对外英语教学杂志》2020年第11卷第1期-共18篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——TESOL Journal《对外英语教学杂志》最新一期、即2020年第11卷第1期的18篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,
TESOL Journal《对外英语教学杂志》2020年第11卷第1期-共18篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article01 | The role of self-efficacy beliefs in learning English as a foreign language among young Indonesians |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article02 | Effect of debate on development of adaptability in EFL university classrooms |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article03 | Negotiation of meaning by mixed‐proficiency dyads in face‐to‐face and synchronous computer‐mediated communication |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article04 | Motivational factors underlying different levels of reading comprehension of English language learners |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article05 | A dialogic approach to exploring culture in community‐based adult ESL classrooms |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article06 | Long‐term English learners: Current research, policy, and practice |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article07 | Toward a negotiated autonomy: Culture, teaching perceptions, and participation of Bhutanese refugees in an adult migrant English program in Australia |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article08 | EFL teachers’ reflective practice, job satisfaction, and school context variables: Exploring possible relationships |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article09 | Faculty and international student perceptions of language performance and instructional support: A mismatch of expectations |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article10 | Read‐alouds in the upper elementary classroom: Developing academic vocabulary |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article11 | Harnessing writing in the wild: Practical applications of affinity spaces for English language instruction |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article12 | Exploring the critical in biliteracy instruction |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article13 | Teaching digital literacies in EAL/ESL classrooms: Practical strategies |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article14 | ESOL teachers’ experiences in their role as advocate: Making the case for transitive advocacy |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article15 | Duolingo: Motivating students via m‐homework |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article16 | A flipped lesson on email etiquette: An instructor and student's perspective |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article17 | Equal access to the United States legal system for multilingual users of English |
Vol. 11 | Issue1 | Article18 | Creativity and innovations in ELT materials development: Looking beyond the current design , Dat Bao. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 978‐178309‐971‐9. Price USD 35.00 (pbk), GBP 20.00 (pbk). 256 pages. |
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