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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language and Literature《语言与文学》2019年论文集、即第28卷1-4期共28篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失

Language and Literature《语言与文学》2019年论文集-共28篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 28Issue 1Article 01Introduction: The challenges of the song lyric
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 02‘Y’all don’t wanna hear me, you just wanna dance’: A cognitive approach to listener attention in OutKast’s ‘Hey Ya!’
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 03Song lyrics and the disruption of pragmatic processing: An analysis of linguistic negation in 10CC’s ‘I’m Not in Love’
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 04‘Please could you stop the noise’: The grammar of multimodal meaning-making in Radiohead’s ‘Paranoid Android’
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 05Relevance theory and metaphor: An analysis of Tom Waits’ ‘Emotional Weather Report’
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 06‘A Certain Romance’: Style shifting in the language of Alex Turner in Arctic Monkeys songs 2006–2018
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 07Book Review: Jane Lugea, World Building in Spanish and English Spoken Narratives
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 08Book Review: Elise Louviot, Direct Speech in Beowulf and Other Old English Poems
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 09Book Review: Geoff Hall, Literature in Language Education
Vol. 28Issue 1Article 10Book Review: Lesley Jeffries and Brian Walker, Keywords in the Press. The New Labour Years
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 11Understanding retrospection: Blended joint attention and the multimodal construction of film flashbacks
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 12Filming a poem with a mobile phone and an intensive multiplicity: A creative pedagogy using stylistic analysis
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 13Transitivity, agency, mind style: What’s the lowest common denominator?
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 14Book Review: Lorenzo Mastropierro, Corpus Stylistics in ‘Heart of Darkness’ and Its Italian Translations
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 15Book Review: Simon Statham, Redefining Trial by Media: Towards a Critical-forensic Linguistic Interface
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 16Book Review: Eric Rundquist, Free Indirect Style in Modernism: Representations of Consciousness
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 17Book Review: Szilvia Csábi (ed.), Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 18Book Review: John Douthwaite, Daniela Francesca Virdis and Elisabetta Zurru (eds), The Stylistics of Landscapes, the Landscapes of Stylistics
Vol. 28Issue 2Article 19Book Review: Joe Bray, The Language of Jane Austen
Vol. 28Issue 3Article 20Meek as milk and large as logic: A corpus study of the non-standard poetic simile
Vol. 28Issue 3Article 21Metaphorical patterns in Anthropocene fiction
Vol. 28Issue 3Article 22A reader response method not just for ‘you’
Vol. 28Issue 3Article 23What, if anything, is a caesura? The ontology of the ‘pause’ in English heroic verse
Vol. 28Issue 3Article 24‘Colloquialization’ in fiction: A corpus-driven analysis of present-tense fiction
Vol. 28Issue 4Article 25Racism and dehumanisation in Heart of Darkness and its Italian translations: A reader response analysis
Vol. 28Issue 4Article 26Speech-bundles in the 19th-century English novel
Vol. 28Issue 4Article 27The year’s work in stylistics 2018
Vol. 28Issue 4Article 28Book Review: Nina Nørgaard (ed.), Multimodal Stylistics of the Novel: More than Words
Vol. 28Issue 4Article 29Book Review: Dan McIntyre and Brian Walker (eds), Corpus Stylistics: Theory and Practice
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