






【限时资源,期刊全文】Natural Language Engineering《自然语言工程》2019年论文集-共37篇论文(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Natural Language Engineering《自然语言工程》2019年论文集、即第26卷第1-6期共37篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内

Natural Language Engineering《自然语言工程》2019年论文集-共37篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 26Issue 1Article 01Arabic community question answering
Vol. 26Issue 1Article 02A neural approach for inducing multilingual resources and natural language processing tools for low-resource languages
Vol. 26Issue 1Article 03Identifying signs of syntactic complexity for rule-based sentence simplification
Vol. 26Issue 1Article 04Extractive multi-document summarization based on textual entailment and sentence compression via knapsack problem
Vol. 26Issue 1Article 05The effect of morphology in named entity recognition with sequence tagging
Vol. 26Issue 1Article 06Efficient Phrase Table pruning for Hindi to English machine translation through syntactic and marker-based filtering and hybrid similarity measurement
Vol. 26Issue 1Article 07Law and Word Order: NLP in Legal Tech
Vol. 26Issue 2Article 08Neural architectures for open-type relation argument extraction
Vol. 26Issue 2Article 09Out-domain Chinese new word detection with statistics-based character embedding
Vol. 26Issue 2Article 10Effectiveness of data-driven induction of semantic spaces and traditional classifiers for sarcasm detection
Vol. 26Issue 2Article 11InferPortOIE: A Portuguese Open Information Extraction system with inferences
Vol. 26Issue 2Article 12Weighted finite-state transducers for normalization of historical texts
Vol. 26Issue 2Article 13Emerging trends: GANs vs. good enough
Vol. 26Issue 3Article 14Integrating LSA-based hierarchical conceptual space and machine learning methods for leveling the readability of domain-specific texts
Vol. 26Issue 3Article 15A learning to rank approach for cross-language information retrieval exploiting multiple translation resources
Vol. 26Issue 3Article 16Annotation projection for temporal information extraction
Vol. 26Issue 3Article 17Anniversary article: Then and now: 25 years of progress in natural language engineering
Vol. 26Issue 3Article 18NLP commercialisation in the last 25 years
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 19Representation of sentence meaning (A JNLE Special Issue)
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 20Jointly learning sentence embeddings and syntax with unsupervised Tree-LSTMs
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 21Learning semantic sentence representations from visually grounded language without lexical knowledge
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 22Sentence embeddings in NLI with iterative refinement encoders
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 23A structured distributional model of sentence meaning and processing
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 24High-dimensional distributed semantic spaces for utterances
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 25Neural embeddings: accurate and readable inferences based on semantic kernels
Vol. 26Issue 4Article 26Analyzing and interpreting neural networks for NLP: A report on the first BlackboxNLP workshop
Vol. 26Issue 5Article 27Language model adaptation for language and dialect identification of text
Vol. 26Issue 5Article 28Neural text normalization with adapted decoding and POS features
Vol. 26Issue 5Article 29Combining n-grams and deep convolutional features for language variety classification
Vol. 26Issue 5Article 30Neural morphosyntactic tagging for Rusyn
Vol. 26Issue 5Article 31How to tag non-standard language: Normalisation versus domain adaptation for Slovene historical and user-generated texts
Vol. 26Issue 6Article 32Twenty-five years of information extraction
Vol. 26Issue 6Article 33An overview of word and sense similarity
Vol. 26Issue 6Article 34Discovering multiword expressions
Vol. 26Issue 6Article 35Automatic summarisation: 25 years On
Vol. 26Issue 6Article 36A survey of 25 years of evaluation
Vol. 26Issue 6Article 37Five Tips for a Successful API
  • 编      辑
安好 金英姬 李二涛