






【重磅资源,选集全文】Journal of East Asian Linguistics《东亚语言学杂志》1992年创刊迄今(即第1-29卷)所有关于中国语言学研究的论文-共147篇(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of East Asian Linguistics《东亚语言学杂志》1992年创刊迄今(即第1-29卷)所有关于中国语言学研究的论文,共147篇(内容涉及中国境内语言的句法、语义、词汇、语音

Journal of East Asian Linguistics《东亚语言学杂志》1992年创刊迄今(即第1-29卷)所有关于中国语言学研究的论文-共147篇(侵删)



1992Vol. 1Issue 1Article 01Prosodic morphology in four Chinese dialects
1992Vol. 1Issue 2Article 02Indefinite Wh in Mandarin Chinese
1992Vol. 1Issue 2Article 03The chameleon [−r] in Yanggu: Morphological infixation or phonological epenthesis?
1992Vol. 1Issue 3Article 04Vocalic underspecification in two Mandarin dialects: A case against Radical Underspecification
1992Vol. 1Issue 3Article 05The syntax of zenmeyang ‘how’ and weishenme ‘why’ in Mandarin Chinese
1993Vol. 2Issue 1Article 06Rime length, stress, and association domains
1993Vol. 2Issue 1Article 07Feature Percolation
1993Vol. 2Issue 2Article 08What makes long distance reflexives possible?
1993Vol. 2Issue 3Article 09Children's development of long-distance binding in Chinese
1993Vol. 2Issue 3Article 10Cantonese loanword phonology and optimality theory
1994Vol. 3Issue 1Article 11The nature of chinese emphatic sentences
1994Vol. 3Issue 2Article 12Aspectual viewpoint and situation type in Mandarian Chinese
1994Vol. 3Issue 2Article 13Remarks on the syntax of Mandarin yes-no questions
1994Vol. 3Issue 3Article 14Conditions on Chinese A-not-A questions
1995Vol. 4Issue 1Article 15Adjective reduplications in Fuzhou: A morpho-phonological analysis
1995Vol. 4Issue 2Article 16An object clitic projection in Mandarin Chinese
1995Vol. 4Issue 3Article 17Syllable structure and partial reduplication in classical Chinese
1995Vol. 4Issue 3Article 18On dou-quantification
1995Vol. 4Issue 3Article 19Object preposing in Mandarin Chinese
1996Vol. 5Issue 1Article 20Chinese pronominals in universal grammar: A study of linear precedence and command in Chinese and English children's first language acquisition
1996Vol. 5Issue 1Article 21A corpus-based analysis of Mandarin nominal root compound
1996Vol. 5Issue 2Article 22An analysis of the experiential guo exp in Mandarin: A temporal quantifier
1996Vol. 5Issue 4Article 23Prosodically constrained syntactic changes in Early Archaic Chinese
1997Vol. 6Issue 1Article 24An Aspectual Analysis of BA
1997Vol. 6Issue 3Article 25Why Chinese verb-le is a resultative predicate
1997Vol. 6Issue 3Article 26How Did Korean Get -l for Middle Chinese Words Ending in - t?
1997Vol. 6Issue 4Article 27The Avoidance of the Third Tone Sandhi in Mandarin Chinese
1998Vol. 7Issue 2Article 28Aspectual categories that overlap: A historical and dialectal perspective of the Chinese zhe
1998Vol. 7Issue 3Article 29On Existential Polarity-WH-0Phrases in Chinese
1998Vol. 7Issue 4Article 30Yes-No Question Patterns in Southern Min: Variation Across Some Dialects in Fujian
1998Vol. 7Issue 4Article 31Chinese Reflexive Ziji: Syntactic Reflexives vs. Nonsyntactic Reflexives
1998Vol. 7Issue 4Article 32Deriving the Bei-Construction in Mandarin Chinese
1999Vol. 8Issue 1Article 33Metrical Structure and Tone: Evidence from Mandarin and Shanghai
1999Vol. 8Issue 1Article 34On Lexical Courtesy
1999Vol. 8Issue 1Article 35Plurality in a Classifier Language
2000Vol. 9Issue 1Article 36Chinese Conditionals and the Theory of Conditionals
2000Vol. 9Issue 2Article 37The Syntax of Mandarin Bă: Reconsidering the Verbal Analysis
2000Vol. 9Issue 3Article 38Syllabic Constituency and Sub-Syllabic Processes
2001Vol. 10Issue 1Article 39The Syntax and Semantics of Phonological Phrasing in Shanghai and Hokkien
2001Vol. 10Issue 2Article 40Focus, Presupposition and Light Predicate Raising in East and Southeast Asia
2001Vol. 10Issue 2Article 41On Subject Specificity and Theory of Syntax-Semantics Interface
2001Vol. 10Issue 3Article 42The (Non-)Existence of Gapping in Chinese and Its Implications for the Theory of Gapping
2001Vol. 10Issue 4Article 43Antilogophoricity, Sympathy and the Sympathetic Antilogophor Renjia
2001Vol. 10Issue 4Article 44On-Line Sentence Comprehension of Ambiguous Verbs in Mandarin
2002Vol. 11Issue 1Article 45IP-raising, Tone Sandhi and the Creation of S-final Particles: Evidence for Cyclic Spell-Out
2002Vol. 11Issue 2Article 46From D to T – Determiner Incorporationand the Creation of Tense
2002Vol. 11Issue 4Article 47Mid Vowel Assimilation Across Mandarin Dialects
2003Vol. 12Issue 1Article 48Pure Reflexivity, Pure Identity, Focus and Chinese Ziji-Benshen
2003Vol. 12Issue 1Article 49The Mid Vowels of Maga Rukai and Their Implications
2003Vol. 12Issue 2Article 50Chinese Children's Comprehension of Count-Classifiers and Mass-Classifiers
2003Vol. 12Issue 2Article 51The Nature of the Particle Suo in Mandarin Chinese
2003Vol. 12Issue 3Article 52The Phonological Representation of Taiwan Mandarin Vowels: A Psycholinguistic Study
2003Vol. 12Issue 3Article 53Temporal Reference in Mandarin Chinese
2003Vol. 12Issue 4Article 54A Sonority Model of Syllable Contraction in Taiwanese Southern Min
2004Vol. 13Issue 1Article 55Infixing with a Vengeance: Pingding Mandarin Infixation
2004Vol. 13Issue 2Article 56Aspect Agreement and Light Verbs in Chinese: A Comparison with Japanese
2004Vol. 13Issue 3Article 57Antilogophoricity, Epithets and the Empty Antilogophor in Chinese
2005Vol. 14Issue 2Article 58Domain Restrictions For Distributive Quantification in Mandarin Chinese
2005Vol. 14Issue 2Article 59Mandarin Distributive Quantifier Ge ‘Each’, The Structures Of Double Complement Constructions And The Verb–Preposition Distinction
2005Vol. 14Issue 3Article 60The Partial Access of Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition: An Investigation of the Acquisition of English Subjects by L1 Chinese Speakers
2005Vol. 14Issue 4Article 61Passive and Unaccusative in the Jieyang Dialect of Chaozhou
2005Vol. 14Issue 4Article 62The Semantics of the Perfective LE and its Context-Dependency: An SDRT Approach
2006Vol. 15Issue 2Article 63Adverbs in A-not-A Questions in Mandarin Chinese
2006Vol. 15Issue 4Article 64Property Theory, Adjectives, and Modification in Chinese
2007Vol. 16Issue 1Article 65Numeral classifiers in Mandarin Chinese
2007Vol. 16Issue 2Article 66Sui Adjective Reduplication as Poetic Morpho-Phonology
2007Vol. 16Issue 3Article 67Le, guo and zhe in Mandarin Chinese: a relevance-theoretic account
2007Vol. 16Issue 3Article 68Predicate restriction, discontinuity property and the meaning of the perfective marker Guo in Mandarin Chinese
2007Vol. 16Issue 4Article 69A directional asymmetry in Chinese tone sandhi systems
2007Vol. 16Issue 4Article 70Contour tones and contrast in Chinese languages
2008Vol. 17Issue 1Article 71Terminability, wholeness and semantics of experiential guo
2008Vol. 17Issue 1Article 72The semantic category of the subject NP in Mandarin specificational copular sentences
2008Vol. 17Issue 2Article 73Left periphery and how-why alternations
2008Vol. 17Issue 3Article 74Plurality, maximality and scalar inferences: A case study of Mandarin Dou
2008Vol. 17Issue 3Article 75Variable directional applications in Tianjin tone sandhi
2008Vol. 17Issue 3Article 76N'-ellipsis and the structure of noun phrases in Chinese and Japanese
2008Vol. 17Issue 4Article 77Variable vowel adaptation in Standard Mandarin loanwords
2008Vol. 17Issue 4Article 78Phonetic knowledge in tonal adaptation: Mandarin and English loanwords in Lhasa Tibetan
2008Vol. 17Issue 4Article 79On loanword truncation in Cantonese
2009Vol. 18Issue 1Article 80Classifier effects on human categorization: the role of shape classifiers in Mandarin Chinese
2009Vol. 18Issue 2Article 81Tense as a discourse feature: rethinking temporal location in Mandarin Chinese
2009Vol. 18Issue 2Article 82Licensing “gapless” bei passives
2009Vol. 18Issue 3Article 83Dislocation focus construction in Chinese
2009Vol. 18Issue 4Article 84The syllable in Old Chinese: sub-syllabic processes, syllable structure, and the status of medial glides
2009Vol. 18Issue 4Article 85Young children’s production of head-final relative clauses: Elicited production data from Chinese children
2009Vol. 18Issue 4Article 86Negative wh-construction and its semantic properties
2009Vol. 18Issue 4Article 87Free and not-so-free demonstratives in Jingpo
2010Vol. 19Issue 1Article 88Clause-internal wh-movement in Archaic Chinese
2010Vol. 19Issue 1Article 89Object Preposing in Classical and Pre-Medieval Chinese
2010Vol. 19Issue 2Article 90Some remarks on Contour Tone Units
2010Vol. 19Issue 2Article 91Dimension-denoting classifiers in Taiwanese compound adjectives
2010Vol. 19Issue 3Article 92Learning that classifiers count: Mandarin-speaking children’s acquisition of sortal and mensural classifiers
2010Vol. 19Issue 4Article 93On Chinese appositive relative clauses
2011Vol. 20Issue 2Article 94A parametric approach to NP ellipsis in Mandarin and Cantonese
2011Vol. 20Issue 2Article 95Multiple-classifier constructions and nominal expressions in Chinese
2011Vol. 20Issue 3Article 96Island repair effects of the Left Branch Condition in Mandarin Chinese
2011Vol. 20Issue 4Article 97A comitative source for object markers in Sinitic languages: 跟kai 55 in Waxiang and 共kang 7 in Southern Min
2011Vol. 20Issue 4Article 98The parameter of temporal endpoint and the basic function of -le
2012Vol. 21Issue 1Article 99Intervention effects and wh-construals
2012Vol. 21Issue 1Article 100Word-length preferences in Chinese: a corpus study
2012Vol. 21Issue 2Article 101Argument reduction and anaphora resolution: the case of xiang−verbs in Mandarin Chinese
2012Vol. 21Issue 3Article 102Mandarin transitive comparatives and the grammar of measurement
2012Vol. 21Issue 3Article 103A cross-linguistic study of Taiwanese tone perception by Taiwanese and English listeners
2012Vol. 21Issue 4Article 104Predication and information structure in Mandarin Chinese
2012Vol. 21Issue 4Article 105Applicatives in Taiwan Southern Min: benefactives and malefactives
2012Vol. 21Issue 4Article 106The modal uses of de and temporal shifting in Mandarin Chinese
2013Vol. 22Issue 1Article 107The structure of the Taiwanese DP in Taiwanese–Spanish bilinguals: evidence from code-switching
2013Vol. 22Issue 2Article 108Reduplication of adjectives in Chinese: a default state
2013Vol. 22Issue 2Article 109Scalar implicatures and downward entailment in child Mandarin
2013Vol. 22Issue 3Article 110Tonally conditioned vowel raising in Shuijingping Mang
2014Vol. 23Issue 1Article 111The effects of numeral classifiers and taxonomic categories on Chinese and English speakers’ recall of nouns
2014Vol. 23Issue 1Article 112Mandarin fricatives redux: the psychological reality of phonological representations
2014Vol. 23Issue 2Article 113The degree use of the possessive verb yǒu in Mandarin Chinese: a unified analysis and its theoretical
2014Vol. 23Issue 2Article 114Processing covert dependencies: an SAT study on Mandarin wh-in-situ questions
2014Vol. 23Issue 3Article 115The negation mou5 in Guangdong Yue
2014Vol. 23Issue 4Article 116Children’s knowledge of double negative structures in Mandarin Chinese
2014Vol. 23Issue 4Article 117Wh-fronting and the left periphery in Mandarin
2015Vol. 24Issue 1Article 118On modification with whole/zheng in English and Chinese and the uniformity of syntax
2015Vol. 24Issue 2Article 119Uncertainty in processing relative clauses across East Asian languages
2015Vol. 24Issue 2Article 120Gapless bei passives licensed by accomplishment events
2015Vol. 24Issue 3Article 121Uttering the unutterable with wh-placeholders
2015Vol. 24Issue 3Article 122Structures of the Mandarin gei constructions
2015Vol. 24Issue 4Article 123The stress-XP theory and Mandarin NVN phrase stress
2015Vol. 24Issue 4Article 124Focus intervention effects in Mandarin multiple wh-questions
2015Vol. 24Issue 4Article 125Exclamatives in Mandarin Chinese
2016Vol. 25Issue 1Article 126The productivity of variable disyllabic tone sandhi in Tianjin Chinese
2016Vol. 25Issue 2Article 127The syntax of aspecto-temporal adverbs from Late Archaic to Early Medieval Chinese
2016Vol. 25Issue 2Article 128How to do so in Mandarin Chinese
2016Vol. 25Issue 3Article 129Identifying Chinese dependent clauses in the forms of subjects
2016Vol. 25Issue 4Article 130Control and raising passives, and why Mandarin does not smuggle
2017Vol. 26Issue 1Article 131Pre-classifier adjectival modification in Mandarin Chinese: a measurement-based analysis
2017Vol. 26Issue 1Article 132Low sentence-final particles in Mandarin Chinese and the Final-over-Final Constraint
2017Vol. 26Issue 2Article 133Toward a unified theory of wh-in-situ and islands
2017Vol. 26Issue 3Article 134Finiteness contrasts without Tense? A view from Mandarin Chinese
2017Vol. 26Issue 4Article 135A crosslinguistic syntax of scalar and non-scalar focus particle sentences: the view from Vietnamese and Chinese
2018Vol. 27Issue 1Article 136Projecting adjectives in Chinese
2018Vol. 27Issue 3Article 137A new case for structural intervention: evidence from Wenzhounese relative clauses
2018Vol. 27Issue 3Article 138Severing telicity from result
2018Vol. 27Issue 4Article 139Control complements in Mandarin Chinese: implications for restructuring and the Chinese finiteness debate
2019Vol. 28Issue 1Article 140Tonal (non-)transfer in Kunming Reduplication
2019Vol. 28Issue 2Article 141Chinese possesses Japanese style scrambling: the case of Xining Mandarin
2019Vol. 28Issue 2Article 142Complex indefinites and the projection of DP in Mandarin Chinese
2019Vol. 28Issue 3Article 143Prosodically conditioned neutral-tone realization in Tianjin Mandarin
2019Vol. 28Issue 3Article 144Parallel copying in dislocation copying: evidence from Cantonese
2019Vol. 28Issue 3Article 145A structural account of the difference between achievements and accomplishments: evidence from Changsha Xiang Chinese
2020Vol. 29Issue 1Article 146Cartographic syntax of performative projections: evidence from Cantonese
2020Vol. 29Issue 1Article 147Glide strengthening in Atayal: sonority dispersion and similarity avoidance
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