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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Computer Assisted Language Learning《计算机辅助语言学习》2019年论文集、即第32卷第1-8期共36篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即

Computer Assisted Language Learning《计算机辅助语言学习》2019年论文集-共36篇(侵删)




Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 01The efficiency of prompts when supporting learner use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies
Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 02Simulated speaking environments for language learning: insights from three cases
Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 03Learning French through music: the development of the Bande à Part app
Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 04Self-directed language learning in a mobile-assisted, out-of-class context: do students walk the talk?
Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 05The comparative effects of metalinguistic clue and metalinguistic explanation in computer-mediated form-focused practice: Does prior knowledge matter?
Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 06The effect of four of Richard Mayer’s design principles on vocabulary retention in an Afrikaans computer programme
Vol. 32Issue 1-2Article 07The effectiveness of educational technology applications on adult English language learners’ writing quality: a meta-analysis
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 08A qualitative study on a situated experience of technology integration: reflections from pre-service teachers and students
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 09Comparing teacher’s roles of F2f learning and online learning in a blended English course
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 10Bringing L2 learners’ learning preferences in the mediating process through computerized dynamic assessment
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 11An English vocabulary learning app with self-regulated learning mechanism to improve learning performance and motivation
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 12Impact of flipped classroom on EFL learners' appropriate use of refusal: achievement, participation, perception
Vol. 32Issue 3Article 13Toward a neuroscience-informed evaluation of language technology
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 14Student satisfaction, learning outcomes, and cognitive loads with a mobile learning platform
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 15Teachers’ perception about the contribution of collaborative creation of digital storytelling to the communicative and digital competence in primary education schoolchildren
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 16Using an ANN-based computational model to simulate and evaluate Chinese students’ individualized cognitive abilities important in their English acquisition
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 17Evaluating English language learners’ conversations: Man vs. Machine
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 18Linking text readability and learner proficiency using linguistic complexity feature vector distance
Vol. 32Issue 4Article 19A comparative study of lexical word search in an audioconferencing and a videoconferencing condition
Vol. 32Issue 5-6Article 20Exploring the differences between low-stakes proctored and unproctored language testing using an Internet-based application
Vol. 32Issue 5-6Article 21Using google translate in EFL drafts: a preliminary investigation
Vol. 32Issue 5-6Article 22Mediating EFL learners’ academic writing skills in online dynamic assessment using Google Docs
Vol. 32Issue 5-6Article 23Moving literature circles into wiki-based environment: the role of online self-regulation in EFL learners’ attitude toward collaborative learning
Vol. 32Issue 5-6Article 24The effects of symmetric and asymmetric social networks on second language communication
Vol. 32Issue 5-6Article 25Evaluating technology integration in a Vietnamese university language program
Vol. 32Issue 7Article 26Teacher training and teachers’ attitudes towards educational technology in the deployment of online English language courses in Jordan
Vol. 32Issue 7Article 27Maximizing the potential of captions for primary school ESL students’ comprehension of English-language videos
Vol. 32Issue 7Article 28EFL students’ views of willingness to communicate in the extramural digital context
Vol. 32Issue 7Article 29Beyond self-directed computer-assisted pronunciation learning: a qualitative investigation of a collaborative approach
Vol. 32Issue 7Article 30Collaborative kinesthetic EFL learning with collaborative total physical response
Vol. 32Issue 7Article 31Examining EFL learners’ individual antecedents on the adoption of automated writing evaluation in China
Vol. 32Issue 8Article 32Corpora and dictionaries as learning aids: inductive versus deductive approaches to constructing vocabulary knowledge
Vol. 32Issue 8Article 33Discussing with a computer to practice a foreign language: research synthesis and conceptual framework of dialogue-based CALL
Vol. 32Issue 8Article 34Mobile-assisted ESL/EFL vocabulary learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Vol. 32Issue 8Article 35Students’ reactions to using smartphones and social media for vocabulary feedback
Vol. 32Issue 8Article 36Wiki-mediated collaboration and its association with L2 writing development: an exploratory study
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