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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Current Issues in Language Planning《当代语言规划问题》2019年论文集、即第20卷第1-5期共31篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日

Current Issues in Language Planning《当代语言规划问题》2019年论文集-共31篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 20Issue 1Article 01Diversities, affinities and diasporas: a southern lens and methodology for understanding multilingualisms
Vol. 20Issue 1Article 02Diversity management and the presumptive universality of categories: the case of the Indians in Singapore
Vol. 20Issue 1Article 03‘As línguas têm de estar no seu devido lugar’ (‘languages have to be in their proper place’): language ideologies, languagised worlds of schooling and multilingual classroom practices in Timor-Leste
Vol. 20Issue 1Article 04Unseen and unheard: cultural identities and the communicative repertoires of Índios in Brazilian cities
Vol. 20Issue 1Article 05Language diversity in Indigenous Australia in the 21st century
Vol. 20Issue 1Article 06The homecoming of an Indigenous Australian diaspora as impetus for language revival: the Kaurna of the Adelaide plains, South Australia
Vol. 20Issue 1Article 07Spaces of exception: southern multilingualisms as resource and risk
Vol. 20Issue 2Article 08From ridicule to legitimacy? ‘Contested languages’ and devolved language planning
Vol. 20Issue 2Article 09Language education policy in Portuguese public universities: the voices of institutional stakeholders
Vol. 20Issue 2Article 10Between public perception and government intent in national language policy
Vol. 20Issue 2Article 11The status of Andalusian in the Spanish-speaking world: is it currently possible for Andalusia to have its own linguistic standardization process?
Vol. 20Issue 2Article 12English language teaching in South America. Policy, preparation and practices
Vol. 20Issue 2Article 13Towards post-native speakerism: dynamics and shifts
Vol. 20Issue 3Article 14The community as a language planning crossroads: macro and micro language planning in communities in Wales
Vol. 20Issue 3Article 15Language tests, linguistic gatekeeping and global mobility
Vol. 20Issue 3Article 16Evidence-based language policy: theoretical and methodological examination based on existing studies
Vol. 20Issue 3Article 17Teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism: findings from Q method research
Vol. 20Issue 3Article 18Medium of instruction ideologies: accommodation of multilingualism in the bilingual regime of Navarre
Vol. 20Issue 3Article 19Sociological realism and language policy analysis: A way forward
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 20Multilingualism and language policies in the African context: lessons from Ghana
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 21Teacher trainee sociolinguistic backgrounds and attitudes to language-in-education policy in Ghana: a preliminary survey
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 22Language representation in the Ghanaian lower primary classroom and its implications: the case of selected schools in the Central and Western Regions of Ghana
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 23Multilingualism and language practices of Nigerien migrants in Ghana
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 24Multilingualism at church: language practices in a Ghanaian context
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 25The choice of English as a home language in urban Ghana
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 26Translingual practices and neoliberal policies. Attitudes and strategies of African skilled migrants in Anglophone workplaces
Vol. 20Issue 4Article 27LINGUANOMICS: what is the market potential of multilingualism?
Vol. 20Issue 5Article 28A polity study of minority language management in China focusing on Zhuang
Vol. 20Issue 5Article 29Policy borrowing for a world-class university: a case of a writing center in Japan
Vol. 20Issue 5Article 30Opening ideological and implementational spaces for multilingual/plurilingual policies and practices in education: a snapshot of scholarly activism in Pakistan
Vol. 20Issue 5Article 31Teacher agency in times of educational change: the case of transitioned teachers in Vietnam
  • 编      辑
Michael 李旭辉 徐云飞 SARAH YU Dumuma 金英姬 ༺北岸青柠༻ Lucas