【限时资源,期刊全文】Bilingualism: Language and Cognition《双语:语言与认知》2020年第23卷第3期-共18篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Bilingualism: Language and Cognition《双语:语言与认知》最新一期、即2020年第23卷第3期的18篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition《双语:语言与认知》2020年第23卷第3期-共18篇论文
序号 | 论文 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Weisberg et al. | Second language acquisition of American Sign Language influences co-speech gesture production |
02 | Article | Park | How do Korean–English bilinguals speak and think about motion events? Evidence from verbal and non-verbal tasks |
03 | Article | Smolak et al. | Code-switching in young bilingual toddlers: A longitudinal, cross-language investigation |
04 | Article | Stocker & Berthele | The roles of language mode and dominance in French–German bilinguals’ motion event descriptions |
05 | Article | Mak et al. | Keeping two languages apart: Connective processing in both languages of Russian–German bilinguals |
06 | Article | Kuzyk et al. | Are there cognitive benefits of code-switching in bilingual children? A longitudinal study |
07 | Article | Martin & Tokowicz | The grammatical class effect is separable from the concreteness effect in language learning |
08 | Article | Cattaneo et al. | On the specificity of bilingual language control: A study with Parkinson's disease patients |
09 | Article | Bertram & Kuperman | The English disease in Finnish compound processing: Backward transfer effects in Finnish–English bilinguals |
10 | Article | Sokolović-Perović et al. | English orthographic forms affect L2 English speech production in native users of a non-alphabetic writing system |
11 | Article | Montero-Melis & Jaeger | Changing expectations mediate adaptation in L2 production |
12 | Article | Fairchild & Papafragou | Language and categorization in monolinguals and bilinguals |
13 | Article | Fabbro et al. | Differences in personality traits in children and adult bilinguals: A pilot study in a bilingual Friulian–Italian context |
14 | Article | Pili-Moss et al. | Contributions of declarative and procedural memory to accuracy and automatization during second language practice |
15 | Article | Pulido & Dussias | Desirable difficulties while learning collocations in a second language: Conditions that induce L1 interference improve learning |
16 | Article | Ruberg et al. | Childhood bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment: A study of the CP-domain in German SLI |
17 | Article | Bruggeman & Cutler | No L1 privilege in talker adaptation |
18 | Note | Declerck et al. | Are similar control processes implemented during single and dual language production? Evidence from switching between speech registers and languages |
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