【每日期刊】 Computer Speech and Language《计算机语音和语言》2020年第63卷-共14篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SCI期刊——Computer Speech and Language《计算机语音和语言》2020年第63卷的14篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Computer Speech and Language《计算机语音和语言》2020年第63卷-共14篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 题目 | 作者 |
01 | Article | Wen & Young | Recurrent neural network language generation for spoken dialogue systems |
02 | Article | Mingote et al. | Optimization of the area under the ROC curve using neural network supervectors for text-dependent speaker verification |
03 | Article | Shivakumar & Georgiou | Transfer learning from adult to children for speech recognition: Evaluation, analysis and recommendations |
04 | Article | Le et al. | Hierarchical multimodal attention for end-to-end audio-visual scene-aware dialogue response generation |
05 | Article | Kumar et al. | Leveraging Linguistic Context in Dyadic Interactions to Improve Automatic Speech Recognition for Children |
06 | Article | Chettri et al. | Deep generative variational autoencoding for replay spoof detection in automatic speaker verification |
07 | Article | Monteiro et al. | Generalized end-to-end detection of spoofing attacks to automatic speaker recognizers |
08 | Article | Chiang et al. | Learning Multi-Level Information for Dialogue Response Selection by Highway Recurrent Transformer |
09 | Article | Boussaha et al. | End-to-end response selection based on multi-level context response matching |
10 | Article | Ye et al. | Knowledge-Grounded Response Generation with Deep Attentional Latent-Variable Model |
11 | Article | Huang et al. | RAP-Net: Recurrent Attention Pooling Networks for Dialogue Response Selection |
12 | Article | Tündik et al. | A low latency sequential model and its user-focused evaluation for automatic punctuation of ASR closed captions |
13 | Article | Lai et al. | Multilingual stance detection in social media political debates |
14 | Article | Matějka et al. | 13 years of speaker recognition research at BUT, with longitudinal analysis of NIST SRE |
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