【每日期刊】 English for Specific Purposes《专用英语》2020年第60卷-共17篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——English for Specific Purposes《专用英语》最新一期、即2020年第60卷的17篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
English for Specific Purposes《专用英语》2020年第60卷-共17篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Review | Link | Specialised English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice, (1st Edition, Ken Hyland, Lillian L.C. Wong. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York (2019), Price $37.56, paperback, pp. xii + 259, ISBN: 9781138588776 |
02 | Article | Swales | ESP serial publications before The ESP Journal/English for Specific Purposes: Recollections and reflections of an old-timer |
03 | Article | Bancroft-Billings | Identifying spoken technical legal vocabulary in a law school classroom |
04 | Article | Megretti & McGrath | English for specific playfulness? How doctoral students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics manipulate genre |
05 | Article | Labrador & Ramón | Building a second-language writing aid for specific purposes: Promotional cheese descriptions |
06 | Article | Millar et al. | Hype in reports of clinical research: The authors' perspectives |
07 | Article | Ngai et al, | A comparative study of the linguistic manifestations of intertextuality in corporate leaders’ messages of global corporations in the US and China |
08 | Article | Li et al. | Bundle-driven move analysis: Sentence initial lexical bundles in PhD abstracts |
09 | Article | Zou & Hyland | Managing evaluation: Criticism in two academic review genres |
10 | Article | Myskow & Underwood | Applying concepts in international relations: The language of causal explanation in high- and low-graded concept-application essays |
11 | Article | Kerans et al. | Research article title content and form in high-ranked international clinical medicine journals |
12 | Article | Kithulgoda & Mendis | From analysis to pedagogy: Developing ESP materials for the Welcome Address in Sri Lanka |
13 | Article | Woydack & Lockwood | Affordances for language learning in a call centre |
14 | Review | Le | Corpus Analysis in Different Genres: Academic discourse and learner corpora, María Luisa Carrió-Pastor (Ed.). Routledge, New York, and London (2020), 352, US $ 70.99. e-book, ISBN: 9780367815905 |
15 | Article | Kessler | A text analysis and gatekeepers’ perspectives of a promotional genre: Understanding the rhetoric of Fulbright grant statements |
16 | Article | Stormbom | Gendering in open access research articles: The role of epicene pronouns |
17 | Review | Zhang | Interdisciplinary research discourse: Corpus investigations into environment journals, Paul Thompson, Susan Hunston. Routledge, New York, NY (2020), 265, US $45.95, Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-138-06745-5 |
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