【每日期刊】Journal of Memory and Langugage《记忆和语言杂志》2020年第115卷-共14篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Memory and Langugage《记忆和语言杂志》最新一期、即2020年第115卷的14篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Journal of Memory and Langugage《记忆和语言杂志》2020年第115卷-共14篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Brainerd et al. | Norming retrieval processes |
02 | Article | Fujita & Cunnings | Reanalysis and lingering misinterpretation of linguistic dependencies in native and non-native sentence comprehension |
03 | Article | Tsuboi & Francis | Rethinking bilingual enhancement effects in associative learning of foreign language vocabulary: The role of proficiency in the mediating language |
04 | Article | Li et al. | How does dialectal experience modulate anticipatory speech processing? |
05 | Article | Snefjella et al. | How emotion is learned: Semantic learning of novel words in emotional contexts |
06 | Article | Saito et al. | Domain-general auditory processing as an anchor of post-pubertal second language pronunciation learning: Behavioural and neurophysiological investigations of perceptual acuity, age, experience, development, and attainment |
07 | Article | Günther et al. | Immediate sensorimotor grounding of novel concepts learned from language alone |
08 | Article | Ahn & Brown-Schmidt | Retrieval processes and audience design |
09 | Article | Chan et al. | Does retrieval potentiate new learning when retrieval stops but new learning continues? |
10 | Erratum | Díez-Álamo et al. | Corrigendum to “The linguistic looming effect” [J. Memory Lang. 114 (2020) 104147] |
11 | Article | Collins et al. | MINERVA-DE: An instance model of the deficient processing theory |
12 | Article | Johns et al. | Production without rules: Using an instance memory model to exploit structure in natural language |
13 | Article | Kelly et al. | Indirect associations in learning semantic and syntactic lexical relationships |
14 | Article | Lelonkiewicz et al. | Morphemes as letter chunks: Discovering affixes through visual regularities |
15 | Article | Bogaerts et al. | Integrating statistical learning into cognitive science |
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