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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Ohashi et al. | ESP corpus design: compilation of the Veterinary Nursing Medical Chart Corpus and the Veterinary Nursing Wordlist |
02 | Article | Adophs et al. | Crowdsourcing formulaic phrases: towards a new type of spoken corpus |
03 | Article | Jeaco | Calculating and displaying key labels: the texts, sections, authors and neighbourhoods where words and collocations are likely to be prominent |
04 | Article | Sardinha | A historical characterisation of American and Brazilian cultures based on lexical representations |
05 | Article | Deshors & Gries | Mandative subjunctive versus should in world Englishes: a new take on an old alternation |
06 | Review | Smith | Review: McIntyre and Walker. 2019. Corpus Stylistics |
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