【每日期刊】 Journal of Communication Disorders《沟通障碍杂志》2020年第87卷-共17篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Communication Disorders《沟通障碍杂志》最新一期、即2020年第87卷的17篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Journal of Communication Disorders《沟通障碍杂志》2020年第87卷-共17篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Kuruvilla-Dugdale et al. | An exploratory model of speech intelligibility for healthy aging based on phonatory and articulatory measures |
02 | Article | Green et al. | Evaluation of mismatch negativity as a marker for language impairment in autism spectrum disorder |
03 | Article | Wu et al. | Psychometric properties of the mandarin clinical evaluation of language for preschooler’s core scale |
04 | Article | Dam et al. | Capitalizing on cross-language similarities in intervention with bilingual children |
05 | Article | Alighieri et al. | Articulation skills in bilingual children with a migration background: a comparison between bilingual Turkish-Dutch, Arabic-Dutch and monolingual Dutch children |
06 | Article | Christou et al. | Real time comprehension of Spanish articles in children with developmental language disorder: Empirical evidence from eye movements |
07 | Article | Alighieri et al. | Parental perceptions and expectations concerning speech therapy-related cleft care - a qualitative study |
08 | Article | Guzman et al. | Effectiveness of a physiologic voice therapy program based on different semioccluded vocal tract exercises in subjects with behavioral dysphonia: A randomized controlled trial |
09 | Article | Hawthorne & Fischer | Speech-language pathologists and prosody: Clinical practices and barriers |
10 | Article | Navarro et al. | Using AAC to unlock communicative potential in late-talking toddlers |
11 | Article | Sparrow et al. | Gesture, communication, and adult acquired hearing loss |
12 | Article | McKechnie et al. | The influence of type of feedback during tablet-based delivery of intensive treatment for childhood apraxia of speech |
13 | Article | van Eeden & Stringer | Linguistic and auditory processing skills in non-syndromic children with cleft palate: A scoping review |
14 | Article | Isetti | Disclosure of a communication disorder during a job interview: A theoretical model |
15 | Article | Strömbergsson et al. | Audience Response System-Based Evaluation of Intelligibility of Children’s Connected Speech – Validity, Reliability and Listener Differences |
16 | Article | Schroeder et al. | Does having a voice disorder hurt credibility? |
17 | Article | Chenausky et al. | Factor analysis of signs of childhood apraxia of speech |
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