【每日期刊】Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2020年第169卷-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》最新一期、即2020年第169卷的21篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2020年第169卷-共21篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Nanbu | “Do you know banana boat?”: Occasioning overt knowledge negotiations in Japanese EFL conversation |
02 | Article | Djärv & Bacovcin | Prosodic effects on factive presupposition projection |
03 | Article | Morita & Takagi | Interjectional use of demonstratives: Anoo and sonoo as resources for interaction in Japanese conversation |
04 | Article | Beach | Using prosodically marked “Okays” to display epistemic stances and incongruous actions |
05 | Article | Ferenčík | Politeness and social change: The metapragmatics of Slovakia's 2018 ʽdecent revolutionʼ |
06 | Article | Ren & Guo | Self-praise on Chinese social networking sites |
07 | Article | Glift | Stability and visibility in embodiment: The ‘Palm Up’ in interaction |
08 | Article | Xiang et al. | Interpreting impoliteness and over-politeness: An investigation into interpreters' cognitive effort, coping strategies and their effects |
09 | Article | Henkin | Generic ‘you’ and gender in Hebrew journalistic interviews |
10 | Note | Corazza | An alleged Millian tension |
11 | Review | Chen | Touch in Social Interaction: Touch, Language, and Body, Asta Cekaite, Lorenza Mondada. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon/New York (2020), 345 pp., US$ 45.85 (hardback), ISBN 978–1138541931 (hardback)/978–1003026631 (e-book) |
12 | Review | McConachy | Leiden/Boston Investigating the Learning of Pragmatics across Ages and Contexts, Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Victòria Codina-Espurz (Eds.) (2019), 257pp. ISBN 978-90-04-40969-9 (E-book)/978-90-04-40785-5 (Paperback), EUR 83,00 (Both formats) |
13 | Article | Carretero | Epistentiality, manner and dialogic contraction: The case of English clearly and Spanish claramente |
14 | Article | Mullan | Humour in French and Australian English initial interactions |
15 | Article | Kretzenbacher et al. | Social deixis at international conferences: Austrian German speakers’ introduction and address behaviour in German and English |
16 | Article | Kaur | Other-correction in next position: The case of lexical replacement in ELF interactions in an academic setting |
17 | Article | Kimura | Enacting and expanding multilingual repertoires in a peer language tutorial: Routinized sequences as a vehicle for learning |
18 | Article | Pietikäinen | On second language/nonnative speakerism in conversation analysis: A study of emic orientations to language in multilingual/lingua franca couple interactions |
19 | Article | Matsumoto & Canagarajah | The use of gesture, gesture hold, and gaze in trouble-in-talk among multilingual interlocutors in an English as a lingua franca context |
20 | Article | Ramada | Mitigation and boosting as face-protection functions |
21 | Article | Kotwica | Mitigation and reinforcement in general knowledge expressions |
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