【每日期刊】 Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》2020年6卷第S4期-共9篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是ESCI期刊——Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》最新一期、即2020年6卷第S4期的1篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》2020年6卷第S4期-共9篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Hurst-Harosh | Youth language in Africa: Introduction to the special issue |
02 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Tomei & Hollington | Transatlantic linguistic ties: The impact of Jamaican on African youth language practices |
03 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Nassenstein & Bose | Morphological features of Kiswahili youth language(s): Evidence from Dar es Salaam, Goma, Lubumbashi and Nairobi |
04 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Adjirakor | Represent 255: language, style and the construction of identity in Tanzanian English hip-hop |
05 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Oloruntoba-Oju | Youth language in virtual space in Nigeria: Multimodal affordance, indexicality and youth identities |
06 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Ndlovu | Attributional and relational influence of numerals in S’ncamtho metaphors |
07 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Hurst-Harosh & Kanana | Metaphors and their link to generational peer groups and popular culture in African youth languages |
08 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Mensah | He has committed a drinkable offence: the discourse of alcohol consumption among rural youth in Nigeria |
09 | Youth language in Africa | Article | Nassenstein | Tokooos! as a linguistic fashion: The recontextualization and appropriation of Lingala youth language |
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