【每日期刊】International Multilingual Research Journal《国际多语研究杂志》2020年第14卷第1-4期-共22篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——International Multilingual Research Journal《国际多语研究杂志》2020年全年论文集,即第14卷第1-4期的22篇论文(侵删) ,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
International Multilingual Research Journal《国际多语研究杂志》2020年第14卷第1-4期-共22篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Article | Keles et al. | Turkish-English bilingual content in the virtual linguistic landscape of a university in Turkey: exclusive de facto language policies |
1 | 02 | Article | Zhang | Adopting Japanese in a popular Chinese video-sharing website: heteroglossic and multilingual communication by online users of Bilibili.com |
1 | 03 | Article | Chaparro | School, parents, and communities: leading parallel lives in a two-way immersion program |
1 | 04 | Article | Valentina & Elena | Classroom communities, language choices and accessibility to discourse: the case of a multi-ethnic/multilingual class of a private school in Cyprus |
1 | 05 | Article | Ferrada & Del Pino | Communicative competences required in initial teacher training for primary school teachers of Spanish language in contexts of linguistic diversity |
1 | 06 | List | / | 2019 List of Guest Reviewers |
2 | 01 | Introduction | Cantone | Introduction to the special issue “multilingual students and language education policy in Europe” |
2 | 02 | Article | Cantone | Immigrant minority language maintenance in Europe: focusing on language education policy and teacher-training |
2 | 03 | Article | Becker | Language attitudes of primary school teachers in Vitoria-Gasteiz |
2 | 04 | Article | Cavaion | Italian in the mainstream schools of the bilingual border area of the Slovenian coast: language policy, teachers’ perspectives and a vision for the future |
2 | 05 | Article | Hopp et al. | Integrating multilingualism into the early foreign language classroom: Empirical and teaching perspectives |
2 | 06 | Article | Xiao | Educating migrant children in England: language and educational practices in home and school environments |
3 | 01 | Article | Shin | Stuck in the middle: examination of long-term English learners |
3 | 02 | Article | Davidson | Against English domination in educational contexts: an argument for learning our students’ languages and for allowing their voices to speak |
3 | 03 | Review | Yang | Assessment accommodations for emergent bilinguals in mainstream classroom assessments: a targeted literature review |
3 | 04 | Article | Fuentes | English learners’ appropriation of English language policy at a U.S. university |
3 | 05 | Article | Smith et al. | “You hear my funny accent?!”: problematizing assumptions about Afro-Caribbean “teachers turned educators” |
3 | 06 | Article | Djuraeva & Catedral | Habitus and imagined ideals: Attending to (un)consciousness in discourses of (non)nativeness |
4 | 01 | Article | Gharibi & Seals | Heritage language policies of the Iranian diaspora in New Zealand |
4 | 02 | Article | Pausrud et al. | Spaces for multilingual education: language orientations in the national curricula of Sweden and Finland |
4 | 03 | Article | Kirsch et al. | Developing multilingual practices in early childhood education through professional development in Luxembourg |
4 | 04 | Article | Bauler & Kang | Elementary ESOL and content teachers’ resilient co-teaching practices: a long-term analysis |
4 | 05 | Article | Dávila & E. Linares | English as a second language teachers’ perceptions of care in an anti-immigrant climate |
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