【每日期刊】Social Semiotics《社会符号学》2020年第30卷第1-3期-共24篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Social Semiotics《社会符号学》2020年第30卷第1-3期的24篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Social Semiotics《社会符号学》2020年第30卷第1-3期-共24篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Blackledge & Creese | Interaction ritual and the body in a city meat market |
02 | Article | Budd et al. | Payday loans in the press: a discourse-mythological analysis of British newspaper coverage of the payday loan industry |
03 | Article | Fleming & Harrison | Selling (un)real estate with “Shi(势)-nema”: manipulation, not persuasion, in China’s contemporary cinematic-cities |
04 | Article | McMurtrie | Aesthetics in the high-rise apartment complex: a social semiotic perspective |
05 | Article | Adami | Shaping public spaces from below: the vernacular semiotics of Leeds Kirkgate Market |
06 | Article | Chu | Hypoiconicity in the architecture of Suzhou: authentic resemblance, diagrammatic reduction, and metaphoric displacement |
07 | Article | Heller | RuPaul realness: the neoliberal resignification of ballroom discourse |
08 | Review | Li | Discourse and diversionary justice: an analysis of youth justice conferencing |
01 | Article | Dong | Space, signs, and legitimate workers’ identities: an ethnography of a Beijing “urban village” |
02 | Article | Vezovnik & Šarić | Subjectless images: visualization of migrants in Croatian and Slovenian public broadcasters’ online news |
03 | Article | Moodley | The politics of female adolescent sexuality in music: a social semiotic analysis of Liz Phair's “Glory” |
04 | Article | Noad & Barton | Emotion Resonance and Divergence: a semiotic analysis of music and sound in “The Lost Thing” an animated short film and “Elizabeth” a film trailer |
05 | Article | Mubarki | Body, masculinity and the male hero in Hindi cinema |
06 | Article | Yang | The danmaku interface on Bilibili and the recontextualised translation practice: a semiotic technology perspective |
07 | Article | Mubarki | Not on My Plate! Mapping the trajectory of the meat food culture of Hindi cinema |
08 | Review | Malik | Language and social justice in practice |
01 | Introduction | Wagner et al. | Sarcasm, the smiling poop, and E-discourse aggressiveness: getting far too emotional with emojis |
02 | Article | Leone | Mona Lisa's emoji: digital civilization and its discontents |
03 | Article | Benavides-Vanegas | Emoticons, memes and cyberbullying: gender equality in Colombia |
04 | Article | Bankov | Cyberbullying and hate speech in the debate around the ratification of the Istanbul convention in Bulgaria: a semiotic analysis of the communication dynamics |
05 | Article | Cheng et al. | Aggressiveness of emojis before the court: a sociosemiotic interpretation |
06 | Article | Matulewska & Gwiazdowicz | Cyberbullying in Poland: a case study of aggressive messages with emojis targeted at the community of hunters in urbanized society |
07 | Article | Wagner et al. | Emojis and Law: contextualized flexibility of meaning in cyber communication |
08 | Article | Broekman | Like your emoji — a philosophical context |
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