【每日期刊】English for Specific Purposes《专用英语》2020年第57-58卷-共20篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——English for Specific Purposes《专用英语》2020年第57-58卷的20篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
English for Specific Purposes《专用英语》2020年第57-58卷-共20篇论文
卷号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
57 | 01 | Article | Simth | DIY corpora for Accounting & Finance vocabulary learning |
57 | 02 | Reivew | Kuiper | Integrating Information and Communication Technologies in English for Specific Purposes, Rosa Muñoz-Luna, Lidia Taillefer (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland (2018), 219 pp.,Hardback 114.39€, Paperback 114.29€, eBook 91.62€. ISBN: 978-3-319-68926-5 |
57 | 03 | Article | McDowell & Liardét | Towards specialized language support: An elaborated framework for Error Analysis |
57 | 04 | Reivew | Yilmaz | English as a Lingua Franca for EFL contexts, Nicos C. Sifakis, Natasha Tsantila (Eds.). Multilingual Matters, Bristol UK (2018), 280 pp., US $49.95 Hardcover, ISBN: 9781788921756 |
57 | 05 | Reivew | Bennett | Corpus linguistics for English teachers: New tools, online resources, and classroom activities, E. Friginal. Routledge, New York, NY (2018), 345, $39.96 Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-138-12309-0 |
57 | 06 | Reivew | Skalicky | Language, creativity and humour online, Camilla Vásquez. Routledge, Oxon and New York (2019), xi + 190 pp., softcover, US$ 39.95, 9781138066830 |
57 | 07 | Reivew | Ersin | Global Englishes for Language Teaching, Heath Rose, Nicola Galloway. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2019), xix + 255 pp., US$25, Paperback, ISBN: 9781316614952 |
57 | 08 | Reivew | Pérez-Llantada | Knowledge Construction in Academia. A Challenge for Multilingual Scholars, Elena Sheldon. Peter Lang (2018), xiii + 243 pp., US $63,95, Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-906165-57-4 |
58 | 01 | Article | Birlik & Kaur | BELF expert users: Making understanding visible in internal BELF meetings through the use of nonverbal communication strategies |
58 | 02 | Article | Monteiro & Hirano | A periphery inside a semi-periphery: The uneven participation of Brazilian scholars in the international community |
58 | 03 | Article | Lin | Pragmatic force modifiers in English-medium master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities |
58 | 04 | Article | Izquierdo & Blanco | A multi-level contrastive analysis of promotional strategies in specialised discourse |
58 | 05 | Article | Arnó-Macià et al. | Engineering students' perceptions of the role of ESP courses in internationalized universities |
58 | 06 | Article | Coxhead & Ballance | ESP in the Pacific Rim |
58 | 07 | Article | Bi | How large a vocabulary do Chinese computer science undergraduates need to read English-medium specialist textbooks? |
58 | 08 | Article | Camiciottoli | Using English as a lingua franca to engage with investors: An analysis of Italian and Japanese companies' investor relations communication policies |
58 | 09 | Article | Le | A corpus-based list of commonly used English medical morphemes for students learning English for specific purposes |
58 | 10 | Article | Liu et al. | Analyzing the functions of lexical bundles in undergraduate academic lectures for pedagogical use |
58 | 11 | Article | Dong & Lu | Promoting discipline-specific genre competence with corpus-based genre analysis activities |
58 | 12 | Article | Ma & Qian | The creation and evaluation of a grammar pattern list for the most frequent academic verbs |
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